27 Furious Arnav

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Part 27 Furious Arnav


Shyam admitted Khushi to the hospital. She was unconscious. Though the wound was not deep the blood loss made her weak. Shyam was sitting beside Khushi. He felt bad for her. He tried to degrade her... he wanted to remove her from the Raizada family but without keeping anything in her mind, she saved him today. Of course, he might have saved himself her selflessness could not be neglected.

He saw Khushi moving a little. She hissed in pain and clutched her hand frowning. She opened her eyes and saw Shyam.

"Don't shake your hand... you will feel pain" he said with concern.

Khushi nodded ok.

"Is it aching?"

She nodded yes.

Shyam called the doctor. The doctor attended the call.

"Doctor, Khushi got her consciousness. She suffers from pain. Could you give her pain killer?"


"ok doctor" he disconnected the call.

"The doctor is coming. He will give you pain killer."

She nodded ok with a soft smile.

"Actually... I'm sorry, I hurt you" he said sadly.

"What's your mistake in this Bhai?" she said in a feeble tone.

"I don't talk about this... but..." he sighed.

Khushi was looking at him silently.

"Actually, I don't know Lavanya is in a relationship with Aman. I would not have forced Sale Sahib to marry her if I would have known about her relationship with Aman. I tortured Sale Sahib a lot" he regretted that made Khushi speechless because she thought Shyam would not talk to her.

"I'm sorry..."

"Leave it, Bhai... you don't have to feel bad for anything. You wanted Lavanya to marry Arnavji. Anyone in your place would have done the same because it's obvious if you don't want to miss a good man like Arnavji. Any brother would like his sister to be happy..." she said.

Shyam gulped down, seeing her generousness.

"I... I don't know you would think, standing in my shoes..."

"Lavanya is a lucky girl to have such a brother who wants his sister to settle down with a nice man..."

"Are not you upset with me?"

She nodded no.

"How could you?"

"How could WE hate anyone when WE don't have no one to Love? We just need people... that's all"

Shyam could understand why she said "WE" instead of "I". That WE included AMAN. She also didn't have anyone just like Aman. But, Shyam didn't know, Aman and Khushi have the great Arnav Singh Raizada by their side. He was their background.

The doctor came and checked Khushi. He prescribed a few medicines.

"Make sure she follows the medicine," the doctor said.

Shyam nodded ok.

"You can take her home. Just bring her for a normal checkup after two days"

"Sure Doctor"

"Take care," the doctor said and Khushi nodded with a smile.

"Shall we go?" Shyam asked and Khushi got down from the bed.

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