A New Begining

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I woke up to silence. Something foreign to my household, usually my mother would be yelling at me to get up, but it was quiet, which only had two meanings, one, I slept in and my mother gave up trying to get me up and left already, or two, I had done something so wrong that she didn't bother waking me up and I was going to get my ass beat. Well, it didn't matter which one it was because I would be getting beaten either way, that's just how my mother is.

I had made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to maybe have some breakfast before going to school, but it looked like that wasn't going to happen, as I now saw why it was quiet. My mom sat at the table facing away from me, my report card in her hand holding it beside her head silently letting me know what she had just found. I let out a sigh which started a chain of events, she stood up with so much force she sent the chair tumbling past me.

"What, the HELL, IS THIS!" she screamed turning to face me, backhanding me in the process. When I didn't respond she continued, "You would think that with you being this fucking ugly, you'd be at least smart!" She shouted gesturing to my body and throwing the paper on the ground at the same time. I look away knowing what she is about to do.

She grabbed my face hard enough that I knew it would be bruised by the time I got to school, if I even got that far. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" she fumed, and threw me on the floor proceeding to kick me wherever she could until I was coughing up blood. "Now look what you did to my BRAND FUCKING NEW FLOOR" she yelled and kicked me one more time, this time in the face, I was sure something was broken. "Now clean it up before you even think about leaving this house. God why can't you be 18 already." She said mumbling the last part while walking past me. "I'll be back at 7, I expect the house clean and dinner made," I just nodded and made sure she left before I moved.

I tried to get up but my limbs failed me each time, so I crawled over to the counter to hopefully pull myself up a bit easier, it did help a little, but I wouldn't be standing straight for a while. I made my way over to the cupboard and grabbed a spare cloth, some paper towels, soap, and disinfectant, and I started to clean up.

By the time I had finished, I had missed the bus I needed on top of being already 20 minutes late for school. I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich and grabbed a juice box "That will have to do today" I spoke to myself now hearing how badly I needed some water and a throat lozenge. 

Once I had finished with my lunch I made my way over to the medicine cabinet and grabbed a throat lozenge and popped it in my mouth. I went back up to the bathroom to see the damage in the mirror. I had bruises all over my body. I sighed, I knew the excuse of "I fell" wouldn't work this time. I started thinking of another excuse to tell the teacher while I packed my bag with what I would need for the day and got ready to go.

I headed in the direction of the bus stop when I saw the bus I needed pass me. I was going to be very late seeing as that bus only comes around once every 45 minutes. I got to my stop and sat down and pulled out my phone in hopes of passing the time a little, only to realize my phone was at 15% and I would be needing it. "I guess I'll charge it in the library at lunch then" So I just sat on the bench and waited for the bus to show up and when it finally did the bus was almost full so I ended up standing. I continued to get looks from people, clearly curious as to what happened to my face.  After about 20 minutes we arrived at the terminal where I would get off one bus and take another one to the school.

I got to school and knowing the doors would be locked I went straight to the front door. When I got there I saw the sign "Visitors please call the main office to be let in" so I took my phone out and called the main office and explained I was late and needed to be let in. A minute later one of the vice principals came out and let me in "I just need you to sign in then you can head to class." I replied quietly "ok". I could tell she wanted to ask what happened but didn't, and I said nothing, wanting to avoid a long talk about how I can "always tell her and any of the teachers anything" 

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