Chapter 2 | Gentleman

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With big big steps I rush towards my floor which is the 5th floor, I keep my head low, so I do not get caught but look forward with narrowed eyes so I do not bump in to someone and fall in his arms and we stare into each other's eyes and we fall in lo—I mean I get more late for work.

Tapping my leg impatiently while standing in the elevator, I wait for it to open. Breathing out when it opens I enter the little devils room, there is another devil who hates me other than my boss that is my boss.

I mean she is the head of our apartment and she is the literal meaning of witch, same face, same nails same hair, the only thing she does not have is a broom in which she can sit and fly from one place to another.

A sigh escapes my lips when I see her seat empty, without thinking twice I run in only to see my laptop open and paper spread on the table, I quickly throw my bag down and flop on the chair winking at Alia and giving her flying kiss for keeping everything ready, she shyly smiles and goes back to work.

Breathing out, I browse on the file which we are working on. I busy myself ignoring the door being opened and closed by the witch Mrs.Bran.

Trying my best to focus and ignoring the heating gaze which is being thrown on me, I sit their unbothered.

A hand comes in a view and loud slap falls on the desk making me shut my eyes close seeing those long black nails, clearly knowing who it belongs to.

Scratching my eyebrow in irritation, I look up to see the witch's face "Good Morning Mrs Bran" I smile at the woman who raises her eyebrow.

"You are 15 minutes late Ms. Ziah Omen Ali" I quickly correct her for thousandth time now "Ziah Othman Ali" she nods.

"Please take your bag and leave, you can stay at your home and sleep their, I hate indiscipline people" she utter in that dangerously low voice, that she uses to scare us, like we are primary school kids "I am sorry Maam, but let me give me my reason"

"Stand up" and that's when I notice I was still sitting, when I quickly stand on my legs, my eyes falls on my department people who has craned their necks, ignoring the pain they must be feeling just to look at the drama.

With her index finger she pushes me to the side and I stumble when her nail digs in my arm, she then takes my seat and rests back with her legs crossed. Raising her chin up she opens her mouth "Speak" Bitch, I wish you rot like a tomato and die like a human with deadly disease.

I press my lips together, holding my trembling hands together as I prepare a story in mind. I hate attention and that's what I am getting now.

I narrow my eyes to see Alia looking at me with pity and some sweet employees giving me an apologetic smile.

My hand is itching to rub my arm where she pressed her long nail, but I do not do knowing the consequences.

"I actually woke up at 6, and recently mamma is not doing well, she is having a really bad health issue and me being her only daughter and the big one in the family had to do All sort of chores, cooking, cleaning, laundry excetra excetra and that's the reason why I was late, I am sorry it won't happen again. Umm if you can please pray for my mother, I am not sure what will happen to her if..." I trail off in a low voice and look down after telling her the heart breaking story and after professionally lying and she sits up uncrossing her legs after hearing me.

Alia who still don't know what lying is and when her friend lies, starts sniffing and sobbing quietly, but I see over Mrs Bran's shoulder my only male office friend Zachary holding his laughter seeing my fake dull face, but throws a big thumbs up.

Our VP who likes to be called as boss stands up and clears her throat "okay, do your work and take care of your mother" she speaks louder than she should in a motionless voice and pats my back with so much force that I stumble forward "and be strong" she mumbles and rushes to her seat leaving everyone looking at me with wide open mouth, I wink at them before flipping my invisible hair behind which is safely hidden behind my hijaab, I take a seat with a proud grin.

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