Chapter IV - brunch

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After dinner, which Lucifer paid for, I drove us back to my place. Along the way, my phone started ringing.

"Who is it?" I asked Lucifer as he pulled it out of my bag. He stared at the screen for a while before he read out the name, "sweet sissy"

Oh, it's Leslie. She must be calling about my date. "Put her on speaker." I told him, not taking my eyes off the road.

Once I heard the line connect, I cleared my throat and greeted her. "Good evening Mrs Barnes." There's a chuckle from her side, it was probably Caleb. "Mr Barnes."

"So, did you find yourself a date?"

I glanced over at Lucifer, my pretend boyfriend for the next two weeks. "Of course I did, free vacation here I come!" I sounded so joyful Leslie didn't really believe me.

"You can meet him tomorrow and give us the tickets then." I said with confidence. Lucifer was good looking, he'll definitely win Leslie over.

"We'll see about that." Caleb said. I guess he's coming too. It'll still be fine, I'm sure Lucifer has some good in him that Caleb would take a liking to.

But technically, they don't have to like Lucifer. They just have to believe that we're dating, it should be easy.

"Let's meet for brunch then." Leslie decided. Brunch sounded great, we'll be done by noon. "Send me the address and we'll meet you there."

The line cut and Lucifer put my phone back into my bag. "Who am I meeting tomorrow?" Lucifer asked. It's about time I explained the situation to him. "My sister and her fiancé."

"They want to make sure we're actually dating and that I'm not just taking a random stranger to the wedding." If I were them, I'd want to check him out first too.

Lucifer hummed. "So if they don't believe us, I don't have to be your date anymore?" The car stopped at the red light and I turned to frown at him. Is he actually thinking of sabotaging me?

"No, you'll still have to be my date but instead of them paying, I'll have to pay for both of us." Lucifer turned in his seat to match my stare. "This is about the money? I have plenty." His eyebrows were slightly raised as he cocked his head to the side.

I blinked at him, he made sense. Wait, but that's not the point. "It's not just that. I made a bet with her, I don't want to lose." Lucifer rolled his eyes and turned back to the road. "We're going to make them believe us tomorrow."

Just as I said that, the car behind us let out three honks, the last one especially long. I gasped and quickly turned to see that the light had turned green, I was holding up all the cars behind.

I stepped on the gas and hastily started to drive as Lucifer let out a snicker. "Looks like he doesn't think so."


The next day I woke up and got ready to go out. Lucifer went back last night through his dark doorway and he should be appearing soon.

I went out to the living room and pulled out a packet of treats. Luna appeared almost instantly, hopping up onto the seat beside me.

We played around and I fed her a few pieces before Lucifer finally showed up. The doorway appeared in the same corner and he stepped out.

"Finally, I thought you were going to bail on me." I turned to look at the dark figure which was walking through the room. "Your suit's in the room."

I nodded my head toward the hallway and Lucifer went to get changed. When he came back out, he was in his human form and I have to say, the lady in the store did a good job with outfits.

How does someone look so good.

Getting up from my seat, I got him to remove the jacket since it was a hot day, and roll his sleeves up. The top buttons were already undone so I just made sure his collar was folded properly. 

When I was done, I took a step back and grinned. Looking the way he was, Lucifer would impress anyone.

"We should get going," I said and grabbed the car keys off the counter. I catch a glimpse of the sunglasses I got for him and reached for it too. "Here, put this on." I handed them over.

Then we're out the door and in the car. It's a short drive to the place but we're relatively early, so it gave us some time to prepare.

Leslie would probably do a whole interrogation so our facts have to be lined up. I actually came up with a cover story for us and started telling it to Lucifer.

"We met a few days ago at the mall and exchanged numbers. We continued to talk and met up a few more times in the past few days." I paused as the car stopped at the red light, turning to see that Lucifer wasn't even listening to me.

I sighed, I guess it's not that important. "Just be handsome and charming." I told him just as the light turned green. This time he heard me.

"I already am."


I parked a few blocks away and we got out. I made one last check to make sure that Lucifer looked totally normal before we started walking over.

"We have to be the perfect couple." I instructed. We had to act like we were totally in love with each other, or at least infatuated.

Lucifer turned to me with a scorn. "You do know what I mean, right?" I stopped walking and stared at him. Why don't I have a good feeling about this.

"Why would I know how humans date?"

I'm doomed. I took in a deep breath and started to think. It's fine, I could just tell him what to do and hopefully he'll listen.

"Just listen to what I say then. Oh and please don't call anyone human and don't do any of your devil things." I said as we crossed the road to get to the café.

Lucifer took his sunglasses off and hung it on his shirt. I nodded, Leslie would love him. "Okay now wrap your arm around my waist." The act starts now.

Lucifer turned to look at me in disgust. I narrowed my eyes at him, it's not like I wanted to do this. "Perfect couple!!" I hissed at him.

He flashed me the fakest smile ever before reluctantly wrapping his arm around me. Now we can go in. The waiter pointed us in the direction of Leslie and Caleb who had decided to be early too.

"Smile, and pull a chair out for me." I leaned closer to Lucifer and whispered. I got a grumble in reply but as we approached the table, he moved forward and did as I said.

I took a seat then turned to Leslie and Caleb. "Hi good morning." I said with a beam as Lucifer took his seat beside me. Time to make a good impression.

"Lucifer, this is Leslie, my sister." I pat him on the arm then turned to look at Leslie. She gave a polite smile but I could tell she way already eyeing him. Next, I turned to Caleb.

"And this is Caleb, my to-be brother-in-law" He gave a smile and nodded at Lucifer who I really hope is smiling too.

"Leslie and Caleb," I paused to lean onto Lucifer's arm. "This is Lucifer, my boyfriend."

Smile and say something. I didn't actually know how this telepathy thing worked but I hope he heard me. "Nice to meet you." Lucifer greeted as the waiter came over to take our order. I guess it worked.

Lucifer grabbed the menu and lifted it up. I gave it a quick scan then pointed to waffles for me and the egg's benedict for him. The waiter wrote it down then asked if we wanted any drinks.

Get a cold brew and a latte. I think Lucifer would probably like the cold brew and all I ever drank were lattes. Lucifer ordered as I turned to Leslie. We made a good first impression, but the hard part starts now. 

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