Chapter 120.2

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This was what happened on a morning in Gaia’s winter. The morning that should have been calm and tranquil had not passed. But in the middle of it, the sound of sirens sounded around the entire planet which interrupted all tranquility.

“This is… the alarm sound of the planet entering the first level alert——” Hearing this special alarm sound, the few people who had smiles on their faces suddenly froze. In addition to the stunned expression on their faces, it was inevitable that they were all a little flustered.

The first level of alert was the highest alert mode for a planet. It only appeared during wars. This alert mode represented that the planet was about to face extremely high threats.

Everyone didn’t know what happened suddenly, but reacted to the resounding siren, and the childcare staff of Yunbao Branch immediately began to appease the cubs in the branch.

Xie Luan reacted most quickly. He squatted down to pick up a few cubs who were obviously frightened by the sound and showed fear, soothed them by touching their backs, and gathered the other cubs in the hall to his side as much as possible.

“The sound will stop soon; babies don’t need to be afraid.” Xie Luan soothed softly. He remembered that the planet’s alarm sound should only last for half a minute.

These cubs didn’t know what the sirens meant; they were just startled by the sudden sound. As long as they were picked up and coaxed, they would almost all calm down.

After Xie Luan, the other childcare workers in the hall also began to calm the cubs’ emotions. The planet’s alarm stopped after half a minute as Xie Luan had expected. At this time, it became easier for them to comfort the cubs.

“What the hell is going on, how did Gaia Star activate the first level alert?!”

Serious things of this level could not be accidentally done. The planet had activated the first level alert mode, but as residents of this planet, they still didn’t know what had happened.

Xia Qi quickly turned on the light brain among the voices of the people. At this time, because the number of visits was too large and too concentrated, even the star network showed a slight slowdown in response.

As soon as she opened the star network, there was no need for Xia Qi to search for anything. Now the star web pages were overwhelmed with the same information-

Hilorin Star, the location of the Star Alliance headquarters was suddenly attacked by an unknown enemy, and within a short period of time, the Star Alliance turned out to be at a disadvantage.

Including the weapons used by the enemy, everything about the enemy was completely unfamiliar to the Star Alliance and all other races in the interstellar world.

There were soldiers of different races on that terrifyingly large black battleship, but none of these races were known to them. These enemies all called themselves “Serra”.

It was an intruder from an outer domain, and in a very short reaction time, the Star Alliance had only had time to come to this conclusion.

The Star Alliance headquarter was severely attacked, and such news had spread throughout the interstellar within a few minutes.

They understood that this incident was unimaginably serious. Almost every planet that confirmed the information had turned on the highest level of alert mode for the first time and entered a state of preparation.

The Star Alliance was at a disadvantage in this battle, and this kind of news made it unacceptable for many people who learned the news.

The Star Alliance had an elite force composed of elite personnel of various races. The Star Alliance had a fairly high prestige in the current interstellar space, especially the Star Alliance Army Department was a place where countless military aspirants from different military academies were eager to enter.

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