Chapter 33

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"Listen up, guys," Renda said. "Our mission is to kill the dictator of Planet Androgen, Leopoldo Havens."

"With a name like that, no wonder he's a dictator," Justin commented.

It had been seven minutes since Benson had given Renda a file containing all the information we needed to finish the mission. We had then walked back to our dorm, and now the rest of us were getting briefed by Renda.

"Where does he live?" Miranda asked. "A castle?"

"That would've made sense," Renda told her, "but like all dictators, he's paranoid. He built a castle to house all of his meeting, but lives in a secluded forest in a mansion with nothing except seventy-three guards, and a bar."

"That's easy," Tammi snorted. "Miranda can just shoot an arrow through his window."

"Exactly why we can't kill him that way," Renda replied. "He's supposed to die of 'natural causes,' meaning Percy's going to have to go in, disguised." She shifted her attention to me. "You think you can do that?"

"Is collateral damage allowed?" I asked. 

"Probably not," supplied Miranda.

I sighed dramatically as thought they had denied my request to get ice cream. "Fine. It'll be boring, but I'll do it."

"Perfect," Renda said. "You'll be disguised as a guard. Nobody will know the difference, since—"

"Do you have a picture of the dictator's room?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Renda replied. "Part of the scouts' job. Why?"

"That's all I need. I can use my powers to teleport—"

"You have powers?!" Miranda exclaimed. Everybody looked at me incredulously, as though this was rare.

"What are we waiting here for?" Renda put a photo in my hand. It was of a huge villa that was completely surrounded by trees. Not a place the I would want to live.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Normally, we wait for one of the Generals to come—" Wesley started.

That's all I needed to hear. I immediately mist traveled into the clearing, bringing them there with me.

"Woah . . ." Tammi said. "Your power is cool."

At the same time, everybody realized we were out in the open where any guard who had eyes could see us, since the lamps on the house illuminated a thirty-foot perimeter around the house. We ran towards the mansion, taking shelter below windows.

"Can you give me the picture of the bedroom?" I whispered to Renda, who was next to me. She reached into her pocket and withdrew what I needed. I muttered a quick thanks and immediately mist traveled into the room . . .

Only to realize I appeared right next to Havens, who was looking out of his window to the forest. He was a tall and skinny man who I would have no problem in taking down. His room was at the back of the house, while we had appeared at the side, meaning he didn't see us.

But now, he definitely saw me. I tensed up, ready to attack him the moment he started shouting. "Why are you here, Guard?" he asked me in a deep voice that was obviously not his natural one. 

I was taken aback, but quickly recovered. "I came here to check on you . . . er . . Milord."

He seemed to buy it. "Well, you can see I'm fine," he dismissed. "Now go." 

I bowed and went to the door. I opened then closed it without going through the doorframe, making him think I left, while I was still in his room. Now, I crept silently behind him masking my footsteps.

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