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       "I hope that you see right through my walls."

                                   M I L E S

The Saturday was unmistakably cold. Typical for a December in Portland. I was rummaging through my drawers, trying to find a hoodie. All my others were in the dirty hamper, because, unfortunately, my sister didn't care to do laundry. I would of done it myself, but laundry seemed like a minuscule spec in a sea of fish and lions lately.

It was freezing. Even inside. I only wore a black T-shirt and pants. At the moment, I wanted to strangle my sister.

Maddie swung open my door. She sipped her homemade smoothie before saying, "Mom said breakfast is on the counter. She said she'll be working late tonight."

Working late. I tried to not give into the alternative of that. The drugs. The dangers of opioids. I had no place assuming the worst, not now.

"Okay," I replied, returning to my hunt for warm clothes.

"Are you going somewhere?," she asked, eyeing me with skepticism.

"Yes, Maddie, I am. I don't have a sweater to wear, and I'd appreciate it if you could—."

"What the fuck?," Maddie cursed, taking fast strides towards me. She pointed directly at my neck with astonishment. "Is that a hickey?"

My eyes widened, and I looked in the mirror for the first time this morning. Liam. His work from yesterday proved to be impressive.

"No, no, no," I whispered, examining the faint pink spots. I was going to murder him when I saw him today. Murder him.

Sure, there weren't too many marks, but the few ones that were evident, were undeniable.

I turned to Maddie with slight embarrassment. She was already squinting her eyes at me.

"I knew I wasn't hearing ghosts yesterday," she said, crossing her arms.

Shit. Liam was going to have a laugh at this, and probably say he'd do it all over again.

"No, you weren't," I huffed, defeated. "Don't tell mom."

She screamed, high pitched and excited. She looked at my neck in wonder. "Miles, was that...LIAM? Please tell me it was Liam. This will make my year."

"Maddie," I warned, in a hushed tone. "Stop it."

"Oh my God," she gasped. "It totally was him. Jeez, he does fine work."

I put my face into my hands and shook my head. "Stop looking. This is terrible."

She pried my hands from my face and smiled brilliantly at me. "Is he...your boyfriend? I totally knew you didn't like girls too much. Who needs girls anyways?"

"Maddie, please," I pleaded. "I don't know anything right now. Just don't say anything."

My sisters' dark eyes brightened. "I won't. I promise."

I sat down on my bed, pulling on my shoes. "Thank you," I expressed.

She happily sat down next to me, a grin on her lips, "I just know he's a good kisser. Look, you're blushing."

I swatted her hand away from my face, "No, I'm not."

"Is that where you're going right now? With him?," she asked, ignoring my protests.

I gave her an irritated look, but resumed tying my shoes, "Perhaps."

"Where?," she asked, eagerly.

"To the bakery with his little sister," I shrugged. "Then probably to the park. It's not"

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