Chapter 21 - Stain

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Katsuki walked into the agency building, he could already hear Mirko before he could see her. By the sound of it, she was yelling and cursing about paperwork that had been due today but wasn't even close to being finished. He carefully turned the corner, his hand gripping the suitcase with his hero costume a little tighter. Mirko had always been a person he looked up to, one of his idols, his hero. He hadn't known her name was on his request list until Deku pointed it out.

Katsuki didn't hesitate anymore after that, not that he'd let the nerd know that. No, he was still pissed as fuck at Izuku. Who the hell chooses to walk into the lion's den when he could be having a fucking productive and great internship somewhere way better?! An absolute idiot, that's who! Fucking asshole, making Katsuki worry and shit over his dumb ass! Ugh! Why was he even still friends with that jerk?!

He didn't have to stick around to help him get out of trouble whenever he exposed himself! He didn't have to care about his safety or his happiness! Was his friendship really something he took for granted? Did he really think this was just gonna blow over? Well he was wrong!

Katsuki took a deep breath, calming himself down as he walked up to Mirko, who was still screaming at this poor sidekick who was close to tears. Ha, can't even keep your cool in front of your boss huh? Tch, how weak. They didn't hesitate to point out his presence either, quick to turn Mirko's rage on someone else so they could escape. Coward.

"And who might you be, squirt?!" she asked, eying his uniform.
"Ah, the UA kid! It's about that time already, ey? Well don't just stand there! Go change! We're leaving for patrol in five so you better be ready to kick some fucking ass!"

Katsuki grinned, nodding quickly as he scrambled to find the changing room. Hell yeah! This is exactly why he came here! This internship would be great! And even though no villains showed up on their patrol, it was still a great experience. Mirko was fast and energetic, hopping through streets at a speed that challenged Katsuki to keep up. People shouted greetings as she passed and they had to stop a few times for pictures and autographs.

"Beating up villains is fun and all, but you've gotta keep up public appearances too!" she explained.
"The thing with modern day society is that popularity matters in the rankings! It's a big pile of bullshit but you gotta learn to pick your battles if you wanna make it in the big leagues kid!"

"Yeah? Well everyone thinks I'm an arrogant brat with a foul mouth and an attitude" Katsuki grumbled, trying to hide his rapid breathing as they stopped at the edge of a rooftop, looking out on a plaza below.
"Don't know how you manage to keep your damn reputation so clean... I don't have the fucking patience to deal with people"

"You remind me of when I was in high school! Full of spirit!" Mirko grinned.
"Believe me kid, you'll learn how to deal with them. It's something that comes with experience!"
She turned around to look at him as she stretched her legs, a sign they would soon be moving on again.

"The press will always be a pain in the ass but it's part of the job! And the people asking for pictures and autographs are just fans! They fucking love me! So ignoring them would make me the asshole, ya know? They're the people we do this for, after all!" she smiled.
"You ready to get going again?"
"Always" Katsuki answered, popping his hands before taking off after her.


Izuku had been steadily earning Gran Torino's trust, not slipping up even once during their training. Even better, he decided Izuku was ready to go out on patrol with him! And about time too because Izuku was bored out of his damn mind! He was buzzing with excitement, his leg bouncing up and down as they sat on the train. He glanced outside the window, seeing his eyes sparking up in his reflection.

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