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*Beep Beep*

*Beep Beep*


Beryl glared at the alarm clock and groaned, banging the snooze button. He'd usually just take a minute and come back. Today, he wasn't in for that. He sat up and stretched, yawning in tow. A sharp pain pierced through his skull and he winced.

"Best game ever" he mumbled sarcastically.
Three bottles of whiskey was a pretty dumb plan. No one would've thought of an idea like that with a clouded mind and drunk ass. Unless that no one was Mason.

I'll murder him. Beryl thought

The omega decided to sleep the headache off. The pulsing pain was something he couldn't stand. If not for his idiot of a friend he wouldn't be going through this hell of a hangover. The cherry on top of the shitty cake was that it was monday. Maybe he'd take the day off today. One day away wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, Esme will be there to take care of everything so it wouldn't really be anything if he didn't show up

Esme could handle it but there's only so much she can do .Sure he had employees but,their capability was doubted to an extent. They couldn't be able to handle the stress he was built to go through.

With a final loud sigh, Beryl decides to head to the cafe,despite the hangover. A bottle of aspirin could do the deed. Groggily, Beryl walked to the bathroom.

Passing by the mirror, he retreated to spare a glance.

His almond brown hair was frizzed and his bed hair had never been worse. Crow's feet appeared beneath his greenish orbs and his skin was paler than the normal pale color, almost like a ghost.


To cut it short, he was the living aftermath of a party freak.

Figures he'd look wretched. A sigh escaped his lips. The lesson learnt: Never listen to your best friend

The omega stepped in the shower and turned on the faucet. He sighed as warm water cascaded down his back.

Pure bliss.

Beryl stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel loosely on his waist and went to his room. His alarm clock blared 5:35 AM

At least he woke up early this time.

Glancing through his closet he picked out a sapphire blue button up shirt, a pair of Vans sneakers and black skinny jeans. Topping it off was a silver necklace with a crescent moon and diamond stud earrings. He didn't bother taming his unruly curls and ran a hand through several times.

He picked up his keys and bolted out of the house ,not forgetting to lock up. Cases of break-in's have been increasing daily and it was better to be safe than sorry. There was nothing valuable in his house but there will be people who will want more than his possessions. The sky was a deep dark blue with tiny rays of sun peeking through the clouds. It was calm, peaceful. As much as Beryl hated rising so damn early,he didn't mind the peaceful nature of the morning before it was plunged into the sound of honking cars and people grumbling into the day. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before slowly opening them. Miss Henderson waved to the omega and he returned it with a smile and blowing a kiss her direction. The old lady walked to him and smiled

"And where are you off to all dressed up?"Miss Henderson asks the omega teasingly
Beryl just smiles."I'm going to my cafe. Gotta open up early"

"Alright, you take care now. Neighbours been saying there's some shady people around so be careful"

"I will Miss Henderson, thank you" Beryl waves her goodbye and enters his car. With a spark of the keys the engine hums to life and with a screech he speeds off.

§ •°~•°~•°~•°~•°~•°~•§

"Wow, you're still alive""Esme greets. Beryl glares at her as she walked towards the car.

"If looks could kill, I'd die from bleeding with the daggers you're shooting at me"

How does she not look horrible, she drank way more than him and here he is trying to live through the day with a hangover while she looks like she came out of a fashion magazine.

"How do you not look or feel terrible?" Beryl asks, wondering what in the hell she did or has done.

Esme chuckled "The person you saw last night was my sister, not me.I would've come and enjoy seeing you drunk on your ass but I had things to take care of."

"Enough about that" Esme waves it off."The cafe has to be open in..." She pauses to check her watch "two hours"


Beryl turns to see a young man running towards them. The moment the stranger gets closer, he notices it's none other than his idiot of a best friend, Mason.

He glared at the idiot of a friend and his steps falter.

Good Beryl thinks, he ought to be scared.

Mason's strides slows as he approaches and his friend's glare doesn't falter. He stares at the angry omega, confusion etched on his face. He can't be that mad for last night,right??

"I did something...?" Mason statement trailes off into a question.His topaz orbs clouded with worry.

His worry makes the omega rethink his answer. Yes, he wanted to scare him, but not literally.

But the omega's anger doesn't deflate.

"C'mon, don't tell me you're mad about last night. I said I was sorry"

"Sorry won't take away my hangover now will it?"

"What is this? Trouble in Paradise? "Esme teases

"Shut up" Mason cheeks are coloured pink, clearly annoyed.

Beryl ignores their bickering and opens the cafe turning the sign at the door, Esme and Mason following behind.

The sun peeked out from the clouds, rays of light bursting through the cafe's glass window. Beryl inhales deeply, the scent of coffee beans is oddly relaxing. Esme heads for the kitchen and the scent of chocolate and cream fills the air. Missing breakfast this morning probably wasn't the best option as his stomach grumbles. A few minutes pass and Esme appears with two cups of chocolate with whipped cream, handing a cup to her two friends

"Thanks Es"the omega says before taking a sip. Beryl hums in appreciation to the chocolatey goodness and takes another sip, the burst of flavor greeting his taste buds with warm tingles

Liam, one of the employees enter the cafe and greets, the others following up.

BMS Cafe is officially open

This is the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading

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