Part 6 | My Dear

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Bucky was right. Pietro did get the potion. But in his opinion, the two hundred bucks wasn't worth the result.

The potion turned him into an exact replica of you. Same voice, hair, everything, but there was one small catch.

He didn't get your powers or his. So he was basically a moody teenager for a whole week (To those worried, no, he cannot see your body, he has to stay in the outfit all week :) )

You had been exploiting this as much as possible, pulling pranks and blaming it on Pietro. You even managed to imitate the way he walks so wouldn't get caught.

Only Loki was able to tell the difference between the two of you and the team spent the whole week asking him to tell us you apart. Pietro was ecstatic at first, until he realized that Loki would claim Pietro was you every single time, resulting in him getting the blame.

He hadn't hit on you since.


Tony walked into the living room, throwing a set of keys at you.

"Why are you throwing keys at me Stark?" You questioned, catching them as you glanced up from your book.

"Your room's done" he replied with a grin.

"Thanks rich man!" You cheered, jumping up from the armchair and teleporting out of the room.

"What's she on about?" Clint asked as he repaired his arrows.

"A little while she asked if we could build a studio for her in the tower" he explained.

"Does she play an instrument?" Loki questioned.

"Probably, but the room is for her circus things like silks" Wanda said, equally excited. She'd wanted to see you in action since you first told her about it.

"What are silks?" Loki asked, putting his book down.

"Ribbons that hang from the ceiling and you do tricks in them" Nat explained vaguely, grabbing his wrist and Wandas and pulling them up the stairs.

"But that's dangerous!"

"Loki, she sits on the ceiling beam because it's fun."

"Fair point."

The three of them arrived outside the room, pushing open the door and stepping inside.

"Welcome to my hobby" you grinned, currently attaching a silk to the rigging that was hanging from the tall ceilings.

The walls were lined with various aerial equipment and other items such as twirling batons.

"How high is this ceiling?" Sam asked as the rest of the team walked in to see you at the top of the now attached silk.

"Around seven meters" you answered, letting go.

There were screams as fell headfirst towards the ground, the silk pulling taunt seconds before you hit the floor.

"Shouldn't you have a crash mat?" Bucky asked.


"Are you going to get one?"



An hour later you had put on a little show for everyone and it was just you, Thor and Loki left in the room.

"That was quite impressive my dear" he said, watching as you walking slowly around the room twirling two batons. Thor was over in the corner attempting to spin one.

"Thanks" you replied with a smile, throwing one up and catching it behind your back.

My dear

"Where did you learn to do this?"

"I lived at a circus when I first came to Midgard" you said, putting the batons down and sitting in the silk.

"How did you come to be here?" He asked.

"Well as you know my Mother passed when I was 104, and my Father didn't take the loss very well. He become abusive so I left around 107th birthday. I lived with some family friends for quite a long time before wandering around on my own. Eventually someone told me that Midgard would be a good place to reside and here I am" you finished with a grin.

"How long have you been here?"

"Over 400 years."

His eyes widened before his features settled into a frown. "Abusive?"


"Why did he do that?"

"Well my Mother was also a sorceress however my Father was not. He became verbally and emotionally abusive to my Mother, saying that what she could do was 'unnatural' and 'disgusting'. So when she died he decided to blame me for her death and I turned into his new punching bag" you explained, standing up in the silk and spinning around. "Sometimes I miss my home realm, but then I never would have met the wonderful people I have."

"I'm so sorry" Loki answered quietly.

"Don't be, it's not your fault. I believe all things happen for a reason, good or bad. Although it wasn't an ideal childhood, there's no way I can change and it helped shape me into the person I became today."

"How so?"

"Well I could've broken down and become an emotional wreck but I chose to be as strong as I possibly can in the situation" you explained, sliding out of the silk. "Plus I get to fight everyday and use my magic as I please, so this is really a good place for me to be."

Loki smiled and turned to his brother.

"I like this one."

Sorcery | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now