A Glimpse of a Married Life

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Homecoming, there wasn't any other description to use, if the train ride had felt nostalgic, bittersweet even then the first steps on Hogwarts grounds downright heart-wrenching. That Harry had Ron and Hermione with him when the impressive Castle slowly appeared in front of them had been an enormous relief to Harry. If it hadn't been for the unusual sensation of holding hands with Hermione throughout the ordeal from entering the carriage and driving up to the entrance hall, he'd regretted their agreement.

The welcome feast went by in a blur. Harry didn't pay at all attention to the sorting neither to the speech of the new Headmistress. Everything washed over him, and he let it happen. Perhaps it was easier for him to pull through the first suffocating moments being back at Hogwarts. Ginny didn't look at them, avoided them like the plague, only at times Harry caught a glimpse of fiery red mane.

The wounds on the walls had been restored, but not on everyone's soul. The stoicism stopped right at the second when Harry realised that Hogwarts obviously recognised that he was married to Hermione.

"This is the Headquarter." Professor McGonagall, who had escorted them, told them.

She hesitated before she turned to them. Hermione and Harry had an astonished look on their face, as soon as they saw how the staircase stopped in front of a single door.

"Without a doubt, you may have noticed the Headquarter is quite different in equipment than usually." The Headmistress seemed to guess the problem.

"It is designed for a married couple." Hermione guessed quietly; she probably had read it in 'Hogwarts, a history' already.

"Indeed, Miss Granger. Hogwarts magic recognised the bound between the Headgirl and Headboy this year and rearranged the quarter accordingly." Professor McGonagall agreed smugly.

"I'll leave you at it so that you may get accustomed to the private quarters." She added hastily as Harry and Hermione shared a look, and proceeded in leaving them alone.

"Well, it looks like we'll keep our sleeping arrangement after all." Harry broke the silence at last.

Hermione peered at him before she composed herself.

"I'm not at all a good company. My study schedule is rather demanding, and I'd hate to keep you awake." She said earnestly.

"You mean to tell me that Hermione Granger can't be stopped from her academic success by something like sleep?" He smiled, fondly at her.

"Well, yes, I do tend to exaggerate a bit." Hermione conceded reluctantly.

"A bit? Honestly, I might be able to keep you sane in a N.E.W.T. year." Bashfully she held her head down as he continued. "I'd be glad if I manage that, though."

Soon, they got used to sharing the apartment. Harry quickly found out that Headboy duties added to Quidditch practise in a N.E.W.T. year was just crazy. Next, he understood that the time spending with Hermione alone was limited to the Headquarters. Usually, they did their rounds separately to allow each of them more time for assignments or training.

But to his surprise, it turned out it wasn't at all something negative. Contrary Harry began to look forward to this few hours of the day. A few weeks into their seventh year, Hermione decided to tutor students, who struggled in this term due to their experiences while at war against Voldemort. As much as Harry admired her determination to assure that everyone would be able to get their N.E.W.T.s, it began to push her to the limit too.

It was already long past curfew on this Thursday. The Marauders Map laid open on the little table surrounded by a stake of books, an eagle feather and a roll of parchment. His Essay for Transfiguration Harry had finished an hour ago, and he had just revised curses and hexes for DADA. For a brief second, he considered whether he should take a look at Charms or not. From the corner of his eyes, he saw how finally the dot on the map with the name Hermione Potter slowly moved from the Libary towards the Headquarters. A relieved sigh escaped his lips before he tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose and took off his glasses.

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