ten | the exchange

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"I made macaroni if you want some." Yelena suggested, holding up a potful of macaroni.

"I'm sorry," Kate's voice was a mix of confusion and bafflement, "What?"

Ophelia sighed and said, "Yelena made macaroni cause we're were really hungry."

"Precisely. We were starving and you took forever, so I wanted to make food." Yelena looked at Kate, as though she was asking if there was a problem with that.

"What do you want?" Kate asked, her voice firm with hostility. "And how do you know Ophelia?"

"Relax, Kate Bishop. I just want to talk." Yelena calmly said, flicking a bit of her blonde hair out of her face with her pinky finger. "Plus, Ophelia and I have a bit of platonic history. Nothing else." She added in response to Kate's previous question.

Kate continued looking at the assassin with a look of confusion, while Yelena tried diffusing the tension, "Are you really not hungry? That fight was so long." The woman dragged out the last two words for effect, "It's really tasty. Really tasty."

"Wait, what's she doing here?" Kate looked at the lazily seated huntress.

"Well, damn. Honestly, I thought you and I'd still be on simple speaking terms, considering both of us probably execrate the same person."

"Execrate?" Kate asked, her voice going a bit higher in the flood of negative emotions she was facing.

Ophelia closed her eyes for a moment in slight annoyance and replied, "It means hate, darling. Have an abhorrence to, or despise or have ill-will against."

"I don't hate him--"

"Well then we unfortunately don't agree on that one decision."

"You have one fork?" Yelena exclaimed, holding up a single metal fork, interrupting the exchange.

"I'm one person--" The archer replied, thoroughly fed up with the exchange.

"That's so weird," The Russian held up three plastic forks, "Kate, this is not cutlery. This is not cutlery." Yelena said in a sisterly way.

"Jeez, darling. You don't need to be that hostile. Yelena's only being nice." Ophelia grinned.

Yelena looked at the two of them and grinned, "Kate Bishop, you never told me Lia was your girlfriend."

"I am not gonna have dinner with you after you tried to kill me and then broke into my house." Kate's voice was firm. "And she's not my girlfriend."

Yelena's jaw dropped as she said, "I did not try to kill you!" Her tone gave away the slight offence she took at the statement. "And seriously, one you needs to make the first move. Truly. You two would be very cute together."

"Yelena no--" 

"Yelena yes."

"I see you two are pretty pally already." Kate said sounding mildly jealous.

"I mean, I atleast didn't throw a bottle of hot sauce at her--" Ophelia grinned.

"You threw a plate at me." Yelena exclaimed.

"Anyway, Kate Bishop, A, I put you on a wire to remove an obstacle. And B, I did not break anything, I am way too talented than that!" The assassin's voice dipped and raised once again, for emphasis, "And C, stop being so defensive, okay? You're so hostile.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I don't have any weapons on me." She noticed Ophelia looking at the gun in her pocket and knives hidden away in the large, loose jacket.

𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 - 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩¹ ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ