9. It's been four years!

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"Please don't hurt her

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"Please don't hurt her. I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt her. I can't take it if you-ah!", her screams rang in the air.

"Mumma", I screamed. I could still see the man's hand reaching for her, but it didn't matter anymore. I closed my eyes trying to erase those nightmares that left me traumatized for years. I knew that opening my eyes would only make it worse, so I clamped them shut and waited for darkness to pull me in but, bloody hell it never did.

It's been four years still the wound is as fresh as then.

Four years for that dreadful day.

Four years of me running from my past.

Four years of carrying the guilt that I was the reason for her not being with me.

She was the best Mumma in the world. She was like the sky and the wind and the earth all wrapped into one. When she smiled at you, the sun came out. When she hugged you, the world was a better place. But when she was gone, the sun turned dark and the winds turned cold and the earth became the ground.

I looked at the clock in front. It was only three am. My face and neck were drenched with sweat and tears. I wiped my face with the back of my palm.

The more I tried to move on, the more those memories came in front of me. I could still feel the pain in my chest when I thought about her dying like that. I miss her so much. She was my best and worst friend at the same time. She was a constant in my life, but now she's gone. 

She was taken from me too soon. I wish I had the chance to tell her how much I love her. I wish I had the chance to tell her that she was the only person who mattered to me.

But that time too my introverted self took over me, I could never express her my love, could never say 'I love you Mumma', could never say 'You are the best.'

Once again I felt her hand on my cheek, call me insane but I knew she was here, with me always.I walked to my kitchen and opened my fridge door and pulled out a bottle of water. Once again like every time I pulled out our family album.

It was a picture of a smiling young girl with a beautiful woman. I stared at the picture for a good while. The pain in my chest grew but I couldn't do anything about it.

I flipped the page and laughed at the next picture where I and Mumma were covered in flour. Our only attempt to make cookies which was a big fail.

You will never know the importance of someone in your life until you lose them. I will always love you, Mumma, forever and ever.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I was awoken by a loud ringing noise. I looked at the clock and it was eleven am. I wiped my sleepiness away from my eyes and trudged to the door. I peeped from the peephole to make sure there was no paparazzi like yesterday. That sh*t was scary.

Actually, I take my words back.

It'd be better if it was them instead of this man.

What is he doing here early morning?

I opened the door and there he was in a tailor blue suit, black shirt and a tie. He had his hands in his pockets and his head was slightly down. I knew he was thinking about something. He looked up and blinked. I frowned. He tilted his head and I raised my eyebrows, a gesture that indicated what the hell does he want from me.

"What are you doing here?", I straightforward asked when he didn't say anything. He looked at my face and his eyes showed a look of disbelief and seriousness.

"Ari.", I heard a voice. I stood on my tiptoes only to witness Kia strolling down my porch with a big smile on his face.

 "Hello, Ari," she said. She wore a white frock with blue streaks over her waist, black boots and a pretty smile.

I smiled at her and shook my head seeing her so excited early morning, technically it wasn't early but still.

"Nicky uncle and I came to pick you up.", she cheered. I sighed.

"Kia baby give me ten minutes. I'll be back, yeah."I grabbed her hand and seated her on my living room's couch. I gave her some cookies and turned on the tv. I looked at the door and Mr Arnold was still standing there.

Rolling my eyes I walked to him."You can come in too.", I said and walked inside my room not waiting to see if he'd or not.

I quickly freshened up and put on blue jeans, a white blouse with a small brown jacket. I tied my hair in a ponytail. I walked out of the room. Mr Arnold was wiping Kia's clothes with a white handkerchief who has managed to get cookie crumbs on it. He looked really sweet at that moment. Keyword: at that moment.

But one thing can't be denied which is that he cared for Kia a lot.

"Coffee?", I asked him out of hospitality. He looked at me and after a long look said "No, thank you."

I won't lie but his thank you really impressed me. Nevertheless, I made two cups of coffee. I couldn't just make myself one and make him wait for me to finish it. I placed the mugs on a tray and walked out of the kitchen.

I pushed a coffee mug towards him."I hope you are not the typical black coffee one."

He smirked and took the mug from my hand, his fingers brushing with mine. I pulled my hand back and got up from the couch, the coffee mug still in my hand. I walked towards the kitchen and placed the mug in the sink."Okay, I'm ready now."

" Kia, let's go," he said to her. She nodded and followed him outside. I followed them and locked the door. His black SUV was parked in front of my porch. I watched as Kia and Mr Arnold got in.

"Get in.", Mr Arnold ordered opening the passenger door. I frowned and crouched so that I could see his face." Why? I'll sit in the back with Kia.", I reasoned.

"I'm not your driver.", he tilted his head and a strand of hair fell on his forehead.

"You should have thought this before coming to pick me up."I rolled my eyes and got in. He placed his hand on the steering wheel and hit the start button. The engine growled. He started the car and drove it out. I sat back in the seat and crossed my arms. "So where are we going?"

"To the company and then with the others, to the mall.", Mr Arnold stated precisely.

"You'll also go with us.", I asked.

"No.", he answered. I smiled."Great."

"Don't be too happy. I'll be joining an hour later.", I scowled at his remark.

"But mall for what?"

"Christmas shopping.", Kia shouted in excitement. 

"Christmas.", I mumbled. My mind went to the time when I used to decorate the tree, request Mumma for gifts and we'd cook good food together and have our time but that was till the time I had her, with her my all happiness ended. What was left were loneliness and guilt.

"What do you want for this Christmas, Kia?", I asked her trying to distract my mind off all those bad times. I glanced at Mr Arnold but his eyes were in front, a large frown etched to his forehead. Grumpy butt!

"I want an aunt.", Mr Arnold coughed and looked at Kia who smiled innocently."Such a small wish, isn't it?"

"What about you Ari?"

Someone who can take away my loneliness. "I don't know."

The car stopped at his company and Kia went out to call others. My eyes followed her till the time she was out of my sight. I looked at Mr Arnold who had his eyes on me.


"The articles are off the market and what happened yesterday will not repeat ever again. No one will hurt you I promise."


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