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Chapter 33

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After a whirlwind of a week, I'm finally able to catch up on my studying. I haven't had time for it lately with Cam completely distracting me in all the right ways, but thankfully I found time to escape to the library after school, three textbooks sprawled out in front of me.

It's been harder than I imagined it would be trying to keep this thing with Cameron behind closed doors. I pass him in the hallway and he'll gently brush against my hand, or I'll see him flicker his eyes briefly to mine, that flirtatious grin spread across those beautiful lips.

It takes everything I have not to talk to him. The past few days I've gone over to his house after school, and after we finally had sex it's like we can't seem to stop. My body is so sore, but it's completely worth it.

I lose my train of thought again as images of Cam's face going down on me sink into my head, and I let out an irritated sigh. The PSATs are two weeks from now, and I haven't studied at all. It's so unlike me. If I don't get a good score I know I'll have a panic attack. This is going to reflect how I actually will do on the SATs, and if I bomb that then I'll never get into Briarwood.

Okay, I tell myself and straighten my shoulders. Focus.

I jump into English first, studying synonyms for about twenty minutes before I feel a tap on my shoulder. Before I'm able to look up, Cam sinks down into the chair next to me, and my head gets all fuzzy. All of the synonyms are out of my head now, and all I can think about is him.

He had to dress up since it was game day for them tonight, a dress shirt and tie looking as good as ever on him. This is the most important game he will probably ever have. I know he's nervous. There's a lot of pressure riding on him.

He doesn't seem to be nervous though. Instead, he grabs my chin with two fingers and leans over to kiss me.

"Cam." I quickly pull back and glance around, but it's after school and nobody is here. I'm surprised he's even here.

"Figured I'd find you here." He smirks that grin that gets me wet just at the sight of it and looks at the textbooks surrounding me. "You're going to do great on this test, Mads. You're smart as hell."

"Thank you," I say and rest my head on my hand to look at him. "What are you doing here so late anyways?"

His fingertips go on my knee, and I bite hard onto my lip when he begins to gently rub circles on it. "A little birdie told me you'd be studying after school today," he replies.


"And you wanted to watch because...?"

He shrugs and picks up one of my textbooks. "I've got nothing better to do before the game, and I've been thinking about you all day today. I wanted to see you. Is that a crime?"

I shake my head. "No, it's not. I actually like the company. I've been thinking about you today too."

It's all I ever seen to think about lately.

"Oh." I suddenly remember something, and I slightly pull my sweatshirt up so that he can see the jersey of his underneath. I made sure to wear it today just for him.

"You wore it." He chuckles and pulls me in to kiss him again, lingering there for longer than he probably should in a library. "Are you coming tonight?"

"You'd think I'd miss the biggest game of the year?" I arch a brow up.

"Yes." He nods, and it makes me laugh. "You hate football, Mads."

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