Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays quickly became Tony's favorite days of the week. Those were the days he got to see Peter.

Those days they were alone in the lab allowed the pair to really get to know each other. 

Peter was excited to work next to his idol, but he was more excited to learn just how similar they were. However, he was still embarrassed just thinking about how they learned of these similarities. 

Peter was sitting in his designated area in Mr. Stark's lab. The man created it for him the second day of his internship. 

The two were listening to the music Tony had turned on, singing the lyrics together. All was well as Peter was tinkering with a code on the computer and Tony was with his watch prototype. 

The song changed to Bon Jovi's "It's My Life". Tony didn't even realize anything was wrong until he began singing and didn't hear the boy joining in. 

He turned to check on Peter, only to find the latter despondent. 

Tony carefully approached him and put his arm on his shoulder. "Peter, bud, are you okay?"

Peter seemed to shake out of this trance and smiled uneasily at Tony. "Yes Mr. Stark. It's just-" and he cut himself off before sharing such an important detail about his life. 

Tony said "No, don't shy away. Finish your thought. It'll make you feel better."

For once, Peter listened. "It's the song that began playing. The Bon Jovi one. It was Uncle Ben's favorite. He used to play it every morning while making breakfast."

Peter had a wistful smile on his face. "Uncle Ben would only be in shorts and a t-shirt, dancing around the kitchen singing into whatever utensil he was using. No matter what mood I was in, he always made me smile."

Tony smiled sadly "You miss him. I miss my parents sometimes too." 

That one simple statement made Peter turn to look at Tony. He had completely forgotten the man's parents were dead. Peter couldn't help but feel his heart go out to the man. He soon felt himself reaching to hug the man.

Tony felt skinny arms reach around his waist to hug him. He instinctively stiffened, but he forced himself to relax and return the hug. This was Peter, after all. 

Peter felt a sort of connection the man at that point. Tony knew what it was like to lose parental figures, just like him.

When they separated from the hug, Tony said "okay enough of that. How about I buy you an ice cream? Cheer you up?"

The two bonded even more over their talk. Tony allowed Peter to talk about anything and everything. He learned about the boy's aunt, best friends, the academic decathlon, band, his favorite subjects.

In turn, Tony told him about Pepper and a little more about his parents. In truth, Tony didn't have a good relationship with his parents, but Peter didn't need to know that. 

From that day on, after a couple hours of working, Tony always took Peter about to eat something of his choice. 

The pair always talked, well Peter talked and Tony listened. 

Tony didn't miss the gleam is admiration that shone through Peter's eyes whenever Tony was willing to listen to his never-ending babbling. 

Peter was just excited to have a male figure in his life again. 

One thing to know though is, Peter was Spider-man, yes, but no one was there to tell him about the spider-sense. So whenever he felt that warning tingle around Mr. Stark, he thought it was excitement running though his body. 

He didn't heed the warnings shooting though his body. After all, nothing is wrong with Tony Stark, right? 

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