Chapter Fourteen

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Looking up at a tacky ceiling, Scarlett knitted her eyebrows together. All through her body, she felt pain, but it wasn't immense. Sitting up, her neck had a coldness on the back. She rubbed her hands together as she stared, disoriented, and felt a large gash. There were bodies settled around her, as if she had woken up in the infirmary.

The last thing she remembered was the pipe busting and going flying towards Jason. That had been in the power plant, not some house. Tracing a finger on her cheek, she came to the realization that they'd no longer have electricity. That meant no hot showers or heat to actually keep them warm.

"You're up," she heard a whisper. Looking over, she squinted, still feeling woozy.

"What happened?" Scarlett asked, but Emma stared but didn't say anything.

"Apparently some part of machinery dropped on you and Jason."

Scarlett looked around the dark living room. Those mainly from the power plant had been injured and were asleep.

"Um, Greyson's down the hall," Emma pointed out.

Scarlett used the wooden piano seat to stand. She wondered what else had happened at the power plant. Some part of her felt responsible for the hydro being completely out. Now came the doubts about ever getting out of here. She felt her own eyes water as she wiped them. Don't be stupid; there is always a way.

Pushing open a brown door, Greyson sat up in bed with gauze around his head. Scarlett shut the door quietly behind her, looking at him. He stared with widening eyes as she shuffled over, looking down at him.

"Did Emma heal all your wounds?" Greyson asked.

"I'm still pretty sore," she admitted as she sat down on the small bed.

Greyson cupped her head and brought her lips to his. She caressed his cheek, kissing him back. Pulling back, he traced one of the scrapes on her arms that wasn't covered.

"I killed Luke," Greyson said.

Scarlett felt a weight lift off her shoulder. Greyson would have at one point, especially since she had been injured.

"And I have a new plan," Greyson stated.

"Are we going to try and create some poison?" she mocked.

"We're taking a vacation," Greyson said.

"The island?" Scarlett asked as he nodded, smirking.

"And the boy who lived on that island is apparently at Uden," Greyson implied.

"How do you know it has hydro or even food?" Scarlett asked.

"Mansions usually have generators that last for months," Greyson said.

Why should she doubt the situation? If she could have luxury rather than this treacherous place that hasn't been cleaned in months, she'd take it.

"So, go talk to this guy and have him take us to the island?" Scarlett asked.

"We're taking Preston too," Greyson stated. "Maybe someone else, but we're not taking all of Uden. This is for Jason to handle all the dirty work."

"See, you don't always have to take over the world," Scarlett remarked, looking at her right hand, still covered in dried blood. "Why are you in this bedroom anyway?"

"A leader gets their own room," Greyson said, pushing some of his dark hair back.

Scarlett assumed they didn't have any more space in the living room. Since there had been at least five of them injured and there was a small living space with uncomfortable flooring, it was highly unlikely everyone would fit.

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