41 | Awaiting the Getaway

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"When can I have coffee again?" Beverly asked, drumming her fingers impatiently against the railing of her bed.

Alicia snorted over her own cup of Cynthia's Best!, picking at the label idly. "Puh-lease, Bev. You're going to be out of here in like two more days, and all you can think about is coffee?"

"Griffin makes a really good mocha," she told Alicia firmly.

The other girl laughed brightly, taking a long, teasing sip of her drink, "And don't I know it; he said not to tell you, but he made it with you in mind, so it's 'one of his best,' or something like that."

Of course Griffin would say something like that. Beverly had forced him to go back to work two days after she'd woken up, but he'd only agreed after ensuring that someone else would remain with her at all times while he was gone. Really, it was a wonder that he hadn't locked her inside a castle yet, with how worried he got.

Beverly pouted. "That was so mean—I want one even more, now."

Rolling her eyes, Alicia peeled off the label on the to-go cup, crumpled it in her fist, and then chucked it at Beverly's head, grinning when it hit the girl in the forehead. "I'm telling Griffin!" Beverly joked, chuckling when Alicia pretended to cower in her seat.

"Don't joke about that, Bev. Your boyfriend was so nice when I met him, but he can be scary as hell when he wants to be." The other girl muttered petulantly, setting the cup on the floor by her feet.

"To be fair, you did make me cry."

"Oh, come on!" Alicia threw her arms up in exasperation. "That was not my fault—Deborah was responsible for that."

The mention of her roommate had Beverly asking, "Where is Deb, anyway?"

Alicia sobered, her eyes darting from Beverly's down to the linoleum floor. "She's in a meeting with Mr. Knott, the police, and our dean, I believe."

Beverly winced; that did not sound like a fun situation for anyone to be in, regardless of what they had done. "How bad do you think it'll be?" After all, the girl had been responsible for bringing drugs onto campus; Beverly had a feeling they wouldn't be going too easy on her.

Alicia leaned back in her chair with a heavy sigh, clasping her hands together and settling them on her stomach. "Honestly? I don't know. On one hand, she came clean and handed over a shitload of evidence to help bring down the whole ring and everyone involved; on the other, she was knowingly part of said ring, and part of the reason our student population went sideways."

"So, pretty bad, then." Beverly mumbled, her eyes downcast and her heart aching for Deb. Yes, the girl had made some severe mistakes, but she'd also been dealt a hard lot in life, and it didn't seem fair to give her a horrible punishment.

Noticing Beverly's sudden sadness, Alicia leaned forward and snatched up Beverly's hand, her features comically alarmed. "We don't know that! Oh, God, please don't start to cry again. Griffin almost murdered me last time."

"Alicia," Beverly rolled her eyes dramatically, waving the girl off, "I won't start to cry again, don't worry. I am nervous, though."

Nodding in understanding, Alicia settled back in her chair. "I don't blame you. This whole thing is one giant mess. Honestly, we're just lucky it happened over break. How would you explain all of this to a professor?"

Beverly tried for a chuckle (as much as she could, anyway—her stomach was acting like such a bitch, honestly). Sure, maybe some things weren't as good as they could be, but sitting with Alicia, Beverly was reminded that she was alive, Griffin was okay, and—hopefully—no more drugs would be screwing up her campus.

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