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HE IS SO DEAD. That is the initial thought Oikawa got after his kidnappers covered his mouth with duct tape, tied his wrists with a rope, covered his head with a dirty sack bag, and knocked him out with some chloroform.

It is mortifying, but that's what happened.

The brunette immediately knows a kidnapping scene when he sees one. Where did he get that bizarre idea? It all came from this one trilogy Oikawa had been watching with the iconic phone scene of the badass father talking to the person who kidnapped his daughter in the past few days.

The movies were leaning toward the unrealistic side of kidnappings as all those crime documentaries he had been watching would often lead to missing or killed victims.

So, yep. Oikawa is surely dead.

Well, not dead now. But from how this cloth bag smells like rotten cheese and literally death itself, the male can already see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Heck, he can even hear God and dear John Lennon singing to their hearts' content as they sit on those white cotton candy clouds.

"We just arrived because this is our only break time! Just open the bag."

The volleyball captain's specific imagery of heaven disappears once the sack is removed from his head, now breathing the sweet fresh air of— the school basement? The realization dawns onto Oikawa as his ears would still catch the booming J-Pop music of the school festival.

If that is the case, his kidnappers aren't really kidnappers at all.

"O...Oikawa-kun?! Why is he here?" a feminine voice that seems unfamiliar to him speaks up, pulling him back from his intrapersonal reality. Chocolate irises shift over to a girl dressed in the Johsai checkered school uniform and gym pants. She isn't by herself as there are four other girls with the same get-up standing right beside her.

One of the five high school girls lifts her arm and covers her mouth with her hand, gasping from the unexpected (maybe lucky) display. She seems to be the most shocked out of the five high schoolers— not expecting the person she had been a clucking chicken for would appear in front of her. Her gaze glares behind the shaken brunette and huffs out, "Onii-san! It was supposed to be Y/N! Not Oikawa-kun!" The girl stomps her foot on the floor a few times.

Oikawa's lips change into a lopsided frown as his eyes hold a sense of concern once his ears catch the mention of your name. If this duct tape isn't limiting his sense of speaking, the male would be reprimanding the girls for thinking of doing such an atrocious act to their senior, or better yet, a high schooler. Oikawa tries to take off the duct tape by moving his jaw around in a harsh circular motion, calling out for help only for it to deafen out due to his current 'strip' situation. He gets caught off-guard by a new voice booming in the room, which halts his escape.

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