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It was a sunny day when Kyle decided to leave his planet and become an adventurer. He has always been fascinated by stars, planets, all those unknown places in the universe. Well, he was lucky because the day has finally arrived when everyone on Earth would be able to travel among worlds with numerous planets and make contact with so-called aliens.

Everything started moving forward slowly but gradually. The world started to change with humanity's great effort. All those dreams about cosmic travelling became real. There were many discussions about what or who started this huge leap towards to cosmos. A great deal of people will support the idea that this leap started with the time when Elon Mask landed the first crew on Mars. SpaceX built huge human colonies there, then the first MacDonald branch opened, Starbuck coffee was offered, Walmart was established around every corner of Mars. Well, for sure we can say postmodern capitalism invaded even Mars.

However, we as writers will suggest that the way to the cosmos started way more before. Maybe it happened when Aristarchus of Samos tried to calculate the distance to the moon in the 3rd century BC. Maybe it was the first step for humanity to explore our universe. Who knows...

Anyway, it took a long time to reach this level of technological development, allowing us to easily explore the cosmos. Of course, along the way, there were many intergalactic conflicts, wars and disagreements to become part of the Intergalactic community. In the end, we managed to become part of the intergalactic alliance to be part of the huge galaxy.

This story isn't about these steps, hardships, troubles or else anyway. This is the story about a little boy Kyle whose dream was to leave his planet and explore new worlds. 


Since humans began to leave their little caves and explore their surroundings, a travelling soul has been embedded in human blood. This was in our blood for many centuries.  After all, our small Kyle was a human being as well.

There appears an important question, How did Kyle start to take interest in the cosmos? Maybe, he saw many movies about cosmic travelling, youtube videos about travellers from other galaxies, online chats with aliens and more and more( yeah youtube still exists in our times, they made contracts with intergalactic channels and kept their existence till now). People gained access to the intergalactic internet, therefore we may say that travelling the universe became popular. As a result, we were able to observe those massive planets, cities, and people. 

Kyle also had the tendency to like and dream of becoming part of intergalactic travellers. After all, he was a small kid. Kyle wanted to see everything in the Milky Way since it was so big. From the perspective of a little child, the Milky Way appeared to be awe-inspiring. Now it was possible to touch those stars, to be able to get near to them..

In the past, leaving your country needed great effort and money, nowadays leaving your planet also needs great funds. So that's why billions of people still lived on Earth dreaming about travelling the galaxy.

Of course, there are still many wonderful places on the Earth worth travelling to, but people always wanted inaccessible things, being able to do things that other people can't do. That's why they left their planet and started to take photos of various planets and share them on Intergalactic online platforms. There was only a small difference on our social media platforms now. Before you only got likes from bots or humans. Now our alien friends also could like and comment on your photos and videos. After all, nothing changes for humanity or aliens. They may be different but at the same time, they have many similarities as well. Of course, for many years there was racism towards humans by aliens. Nevertheless, over the years it started to change and humans and alien species became able to live together. Now the word human wasn't there at all. All of us were aliens living together.

Naturally, Kyle forgot his dream when he grew up, and he started work, being grown-up without leaving his comfort zone. His life was decided from the beginning, living on Earth. He worked ate and slept. For many years without remembering his childhood dream. 

However, there are things that even change for a simple person like Kyle. Makes you realize something goes wrong in your life, you're not different from the artificially intelligent robots that exist everywhere in our universe.

For sure it wasn't easy for Kyle to realize that he lives his life without any purpose and interest in things. He was a guy who does things without questioning, avoided conflicts and trying not to be noticed all the time. After some time he managed to disappear, nobody cared about him anymore. People stopped trying to ask him questions. It suited Kyle because he was enjoying his time with his books, movies, games. 

Though when he became older he realised there are no one to share his joy with anymore, he cant share his feelings after watching a good movie, reading a touching book, listening to amazing music. There was no one to share it with. He was lonely.

It was a small travelling brochure that he received from some online popup that impacted him. The brochure showed Milky Way and was asking " If not now, then when?"

Kyle looked at the brochure for long hours realising that something is off with him. It wasn't about his childhood dream. Dreams always change, get bigger. But the thing that never changes are people who don't find something meaningful in their lives. 

Realising certain things didn't help Kyle. Because he didn't do anything about his life. He still woke up went to work and come back home. Now things got even worse. Before he was living carelessly without realising anything about his life. Now every day was stressful for him. He was spending his life on things he doesn't like, getting pushed by people around him. He was a depressed guy living in his dream world who needed something to get rid of his stress...

However, life allows us the opportunity to transform ourselves and become somebody new at some point...

At one point, everyone gets this chance in their life. The most important thing is not to let this chance slip from your hands.

It was the time when Kayl met her... The person from another planet...

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