The Dark Place - Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six


The girl opened her eyes for the first time in almost a year. It felt strange, almost like her eyeballs had dried out. She closed them again and rubbed them with her new fingers. It had been so long since she had actually touched anything and it felt wonderful. The aches and pains that covered her new body were marvellous. Even the cold, hard ground beneath her felt amazing. She took in a deep breath and her nose tingled as the salty sweet scent of her skin mingled with the dank, musty air around her.

Razor sharp teeth bit into her arm and with ultra quick reflexes she reached out and grabbed the matted fury body of the rat.

"Now that wasn't very nice was it Mr. Ratty?" The sing song twang of her new voice both shocked and amused her as she tightened her grip on the rodent breaking its body as if it was nothing and savouring its last high-pitched screams. She sensed the other rats around her scurry away across to the other side of the room, a gaggle of squeaks and screeches escaping from them, as she tossed the dead creature aside. Slowly, gently she played her fingertips along her new legs, savouring the tingle of their touch they were shorter and slimmer than the ones she had had when she had been alive the first time.

Wow, this is great. Jane smiled to herself as she realized that her thoughts had the same North American twang as her voice. I can't believe that this all belongs to me. She stroked the soft cool skin of her shins, her renewed sense of touch responsive enough to allow her to feel the fine downy hairs. She traced a finger along the tiny scare on her left knee and smiled again. These limbs would do nicely; she was going to enjoy her new body.


The strange numbness held Tamicka in its grip. All she could do was sit and watch as the other girl used her own hands to caress her legs, body, arms and face. When she had decided to let the girl inside she had not known what to expect. She could still see, hear and feel everything but she was no longer in control.

How long are you going to be with me? She had wanted to say the words out loud but her mouth was no longer hers to use.

"Don't worry, it won't be for long, I promise." Tamicka recognised her own voice but it had a different edge to it.

I want you to go now, I don't like this.

"Don't be silly, I can't go until I've done what I came to do can I?"

I'm frightened.

"I know you are but it will all be over soon. Now it's time to sleep Tamicka."

Before Tamicka could think another thought her soul, her entire being just switched off.


Even the cramp in her legs as she stood felt amazing. She hopped, skipped and danced around the room all the while listening to the scurrying and screeching as the rats moved away from her. The noise from upstairs brought her to a sudden halt. He was there, upstairs in the house with her. The footsteps moved across the room above her head as he made his way over to the stairs.

"Tamicka... sweetheart... are you in here!"

The fear and anxiety in his tone made her tingle all over as she crossed the dark void to the door. She ached to use her new voice, to try it out on Tamicka's father but she also wanted to savour that moment a little longer. He was worried and she was in control. The feeling of power sent her head in a spin. Just knowing that he was up there right at that moment, tormented at the loss of a daughter whom he had done his level best to hide from his sight for so long, thrilled her like no other game she had ever played. Sooner or later he would make his way down those creaky, wooden steps that led to the dark place. She knew that she could let him out of his agony any time she wanted to.

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