Common mistakes and how to fix them (mostly for new writers)

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Another great thing about the ONC is that it's a perfect for new writers

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Another great thing about the ONC is that it's a perfect for new writers. The shorter word count and great community surrounding the challenge makes it welcoming and possible to finish a new story. Yet it is still a contest, so if you're in it to win it, you're entry needs to be polished and skillfully written.

But how do you know what to fix or try to level-up on if you're just starting out?

Thankfully, Alexa Donne, a published young adult author can answer that for you. She has made two of the best videos about novice writing mistakes. The first is a big overview of 20+ common ones, while the second goes in-depth about five major ones and also how to fix them.

I recommend everyone gives them a listen. You never know what they'll unlock for you!

Novellas & New Roast: Tips from an ONC WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now