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The next day they all decided to go out on the yacht they had rented for a few days to enjoy some water sports while in Greece.

Millie was laying on the front of the boat with Jennie and Savannah while the boys were inside making lunch for everyone.

The sun grew higher in the sky causing Millie to push her sunglasses down over her eyes to prevent herself from squinting.

"Lunch." Oliver called out as he stuck his head out the door at the top on the boat.

"Yah!" Millie exclaimed standing up. "I'm starving."

"I'd love to have your figure." Savannah commented as she watched the brown haired girl stand up.

"You do have my figure. You're just pregnant right now, remember?" Millie replied as she pushed her sunglasses back to the top of her head offering the pregnant woman a hand to stand up from the coach area.

"I can't wait not to be pregnant anymore. My bladder is a joke." Savannah spoke as Jennie stood up and wrapped her cover up around her body.

"I can't wait for you not to be pregnant too. I can't to meet your baby. It's gonna be so cute." Millie gushed as the three made their way inside for lunch.

The boys had everything laid out on the table as they all took a seat waiting for the girls to come inside to eat.

"I'm starving." Millie spoke before taking one of the free seats in between Lando and Tom.

"Shock horror." Lando said rolling his eyes in reply.

"Don't be an ass." Millie told him before flicking him behind the ear.

"Ow." Lando exclaimed grabbing his right ear.

"Shush. I'm eating." Millie replied grabbing a grape and popping it inside her mouth.

Everyone laughed at the interaction between the pair. Anyone who knew them knew they were close. You'd swear they were best friends for years and not just for the passed year.

"Let's eat." Martin called out and everyone cheered in reply before diving into to lunch before they were gonna take out the jet skis and water skis to play with.


"That is not going to work." Millie shouted from the top deck of the both as she and Tom watched Max make an attempt at using the flyboard.

"Watch me." Max said with confidence as he tried to get the board to lift him up in the air.

He got a couple feet up before the power stopped and he fell straight back down into the water causing the pair watching him to laugh as Tom recorded the whole thing on his phone.

"Please post that." Millie spoke as she looked over his shoulder to rewatch the video while they both laughed again.

"Fuck sake." Max shouted from down in the water as he fell once again.

"Just give up." The brown haired girl told him.

"What's he doing?" Lando wondered as he appeared next to the pair.

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