Chapter 64

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Minna held me for what felt like hours. After the last few days alone, I savored each and every second of it. It was still much too soon when she relaxed her grip and patted her shoulder. I clambered up and perched there while she stood. She was wearing a different type of shirt this time, and the material was lighter under my feet. I felt my claws prick through the shirt and shifted to keep from digging them into her skin.

She walked to the living room where Terron waited patiently with the pet carrier. I blinked and looked around. No harness or leash?

"Sorry, but you'll need to go in this for now. We'll need to adjust a few things in Terron's house before you can fly around in it anyways. I'll get your harness back from Trenil tomorrow, and then we won't need this again; it's just for tonight." Minna seemed to be talking as much to reassure herself as to reassure me - I doubted either of us wanted to be apart right then, even if it was just the small barrier of the carrier walls - and she carefully picked me up from her shoulder. I grumbled a bit, but I let her move me to the carrier without putting up any serious fuss.

I was still too relieved to be back with her. The stress and turmoil of the last few weeks had finally been resolved. It felt like I could finally breathe again after having been slowly strangled. I didn't want to be stuffed in a pet carrier like an unruly cat... but I wanted to be with Minna more. If the way to do that was to put up with it for a few minutes, that wasn't too bad - and I suspected she was only doing it because she was worried about what could happen to me if I wandered away or got lost. Putting up with it for a little bit would ease her worries. It would make her feel better.

I felt a small glow of happiness at the knowledge I was putting up with an annoyance in order to make things easier for Minna... and this time, I simply accepted it. It wasn't anything to be scared of or worried about. Minna was my friend. There was nothing wrong with feeling good about doing something nice for her.

Minna carried me out of the apartment and down to the street. She paused there for a few minutes while Terron spoke with somebody - probably one of the Kymari who had come across me - then they continued on.

I sat in the darkness and rocked with the subdued motion of the carrier for what seemed to be a bit over an hour before I heard the 'ding' sound I had come to associate with a door opening. The cool night air grew a little warmer, and I got the impression of moving through several rooms... then the carrier settled on a stable surface and the door opened.

I crawled out and found myself on the bed of what seemed to be a guest room. The walls were plain and the only pieces of furniture were the bed and a simple dresser. The bed actually seemed to be nicer than Minna's, but there weren't any windows to look out of, and I couldn't see any obvious power outlets. A small closet in one corner rounded out the room. The door that led out to the rest of the house was closed.

I felt a bit of nervousness at being trapped in a strange room with only one exit... but I forced myself to relax about that. Minna hadn't gone through all this trouble just to hurt me now. And I had spent a lot of time 'trapped' in her apartment. It would have been nice to have more room, but I would be okay for now.

I stretched my wings out and flew around the room once, then flew up behind Minna and settled on her shoulder. She smiled and began unpacking things from a suitcase propped against the bed, pausing between arranging vaguely familiar items to just reach up and pet me.

I could tell she was still very happy.

After a few minutes there was a tap on the door. Minna held her hand on my back with just enough pressure to keep me from easily jumping into flight, then called out. "Come in."

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