****Chapter 1****

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I locked the door behind me and sighed.I tackled another day,I felt my cat Neo rub against my legs."Aww.. aren't you a cute boy" I cooed at him and slowly started to prepare for dinner and I got a call from my Librarian from college Mrs Baker,a sweet old lady who always gives me as much as books I want and recommends the best ones.She knows something is wrong with me.

Outside I am perfect and my life is a repeat.Wake up,workout,eat, college,work,sleep.All submissions done,all is perfect except...Me.

After we had a small chat, I slowly started eating my pasta and scrolled through my phone.My heart stopped at a picture in my gallery.

Me and them
I was wearing a white frock and grinning at the camera.They were behind me not smiling or even attempting to smile,but just there.

I loved them so much to the point that I didn't know when and how to stop.We were neighbours,then friends and then much more or I thought so.

I immediately deleted that photo and washed my dishes and fed my cat.I went over to do my skin routine,drink water and decided read for sometime.I bit my lip at the smut in my hand and skimmed my eyes through the pages once again.

"Daddy..."she whined and thrusted her hips towards me like the wanton slut she is.I smirked and started rubbing her clit and cooed at her"Aww..is my slut horny-"

I slammed my book close my breathing was harsh and I saw my self rubbing my thighs together I shook my head to clear my thoughts and decided to get some sleep.

I dimmed my lights and slowly closed my eyes.

I woke up to my alarm and did my morning routine and locked the door and headed to my coffee shop,Coffee Love Cafe the place I also work in and order myself a creamy coffee.

"Hey Ally, How are you?"One of my co-workers,Rick asked smiling to me

I sighed dramatically "The usual"

He handed my coffee "Hope you have a good day"

"You too"I yelled as I walked out of the shop and slowly navigated through the busy town road.After an exhausting day at college I rushed back home.changed into my uniform and went to the coffee shop

Hi this is my first book and please give me you thoughts they help me improve my writing

Dark Moon MC Series I:My Biker TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now