❀ chapter nineteen | street racers ❀

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At 11:25 pm on Tuesday night, I received a text message. 

From Jackass:


Really? He'd ignored me ever since we woke up on that boat together and now he had the nerve to "hi" me? I replied back:

Hey. What do you want?

At 11:39 pm, he sent me his second message.

From Jackass:

nothing in particular

I could think of a dozen things he could say. Now he was backing out? I messaged him back:

Why'd you text me then?

There had been no reply.

❀     ❀     ❀

In the light, misty rain, I was heading to the bus stop closest to school when someone touched my shoulder.

I turned to face none other than Jack.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly. His presence alone, everything from the damp wisps of hair on his head to his startled expression, made me want to blow up. To tell him off for showing his appreciation for me dealing with his drunk ass by quitting his job. For ignoring me today and anytime I actually wanted to talk to him. Except for his text last night, but I wouldn't count that.

But before I could say anything, he pulled out his phone. I crossed my arms, exasperated as I waited. It'd been infinitely easier for him to just talk, but soon enough:

From Jackass:

i'm sorry about the shop

I scoffed. "Were you the one who broke into it?"

He shook his head, wiping rain droplets from his eyes.

"Then you shouldn't be sorry. Unless you're sorry about everything else. Like, I don't know, ignoring me? Avoiding me at the first sign of conflict?"

From Jackass:

i'm sorry, romy

Those four letters, r-o-m-y, staring at me from my glass screen, felt the same as if he'd said them out loud. And worse, I remembered exactly how they sounded when he said it. My name.

From Jackass:

i've been thinking a lot. and i feel i acted foolish with you. and that you deserve better.

"What's that supposed to mean? You're not going to run away anymore?"

He looked down. Today, he wore a blue hoodie and faded, frayed jeans, but all I could think about was the image of him in his smiley face underwear.

I sighed. "My biological mother will be working at the shop now that you're gone."

He furrowed his thick brows in what could've been concern.

"It shouldn't be too bad if I don't talk to her," I said. "My dad says it's only until she gets another job. However long that takes."

Silence. Jack blinked rapidly then scrambled for his phone.

From Jackass:

do you want me to come back?

Was I really making myself that obvious, or was he getting really good at reading me?

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