Chapter 19

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Rizi and his assistant's eyes kept bouncing between me and Shilpa!!!

I gulped and looked at Rizi and he made a confusing face while Shilpa simply pushed a piece of papaya in her mouth and said...
'I think it's fine with me!!! So when are we executing it!!!' she said and Rizi's assistant says ...

'Ummm...Tonight??? You both can just go on date to a high profile restaurant and then you both can pretend to have a fight over a dinner and we'll click your pictures and it will be tomorrow's headlines!!! Page 3 will be all of you folks!!!' Rizi's assistant Shazia saya while Shilpa simply dumps another piece of papaya in her mouth and says 'Cool with me'

Then she quickly gets up sees the clock and excuses herself while I sit and still think about this stupid plan.

We are planning a drama to get a casual break-up done for us both...A natural breakup where there are 'issues in our paradise' and Rizi's team is making these stupid plans while Rizi is fuming. If only my leg and hands didn't get fractured a month ago he would have thrashed me. Last entire month whenever Rizi visited me everytime he saw Shilpa either giving me medicines or checking upon my leg.

Shilpa in last one month maintains distance from me yet keeps a check on me. She instructs Rab aunty about what should be cooked with how much oil keeping a check on my diet. She personally keeps an eye on the physiotherapist too. She also doesn't let me work more than 5-6 hours a day. My management is allowed to call me only if it's important. Even my assistant doesn't decide my schedule. Shilpa decides it and my secretary simply 'Follows!!!'


I'm not complaining...
Initially it was so annoying. I hated it when I wasn't allowed to work more. Infact initial one week I even maintained a grumpy face but I couldn't show her my anger...I was scared what if she left.

But gradually I started enjoying this too. Slowly we began playing cards, Uno, luddo and chess at home. Recently we started playing scrabble which is now our favorite game.

We watch movies and over weekends Shilpa takes me out for a short drive. Ofcourse Shilpa doesn't find it comfortable driving here in Dubai so my chauffeur takes charge.

Although it was initially annoying I gradually have started liking this. Our morning walks at the beach somehow calmed me down. Although it's mostly she walking and me limping on crutches but even then it was fine until she was along however something was off about her.

Not once did she prefer to talk about that incident. Nor did she complain. She didn't even let me bring up the topic. This level of normalcy annoyed me. And finally when a week ago I was given a break from crutches to a walking stick is when she quickly brought up the topic of 'Breakup planning!!!'.

She sounded desperate to play this breakup game!!!

I avoided this topic for a week but yesterday Rizi came to see me and Shilpa caught hold of him and look here we are planning this stupid breakup drama!!!

Shilpa didn't look bothered at all. She didn't look happy or sad. I hadn't seen any happy expressions on her face unless and until that one phone call she gets regularly in morning and at night.

Two nights back I heard her laughing to that someone till 2 am midnight in kitchen when I chose to question her all she said was 'Its personal!!!'

I was getting irritated!!! But I didn't want to do anything stupid. However yesterday the name was revealed as there was a box of chocolates and yellow roses came home...yellow roses wishing me to get well soon and chocolates ofcourse for her. It was some friend named Cookie!!! And I don't know why something within me felt relieved knowing it's some girl!!!

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