act two: scene ten

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finn's bucket full of dinosaurs

british girl
does anyone want to do something i'm bored

millies b!tch
you're literally laying on top of me rn??

british girl

i'm down for whatever you guys want to do
it feels like it's been forever since we saw
each other

i'll come but it's because i have nothing
better to do

millie's b!tch
awwww you miss us

charlotte's man
you guys just love making me feel left out hey?

hiii louis

charlotte's man
hi darling

wyd today?

charlotte's man
issie and millie are forcing me to
go christmas shopping with them 
they want to start early
wish you were here to come with us

could you guys like not?


be so coupley

kitchen sink
tw: happy couples ‼️

british girl
ok anyways....
we should go christams shopping too
maybe this way we won't have any
last minute gifts like SOMEONE did
last year

kitchen sink
i feel like that was targeted at me
but i'll come too even though MILLIE is
being passive aggressive

okayyyy well lily and timmy are out so
we could all just meet here and then
walk to wherever?

millie's b!tch
sure be there in 10


instagram post


liked by charevans, milliepartridge, tomholland and others

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liked by charevans, milliepartridge, tomholland and others

louispartridge i was forced out shopping all day and i miss my girl

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user HIS GIRL??????

user1 who tf is his girl

user2 istg if he's talking about that char bitch i just might lose it

milliepartridge hey you loved being with us
louispartridge sure, you keep telling yourself that!

charevans unlocked: sleepy louis partridge

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