Chapter Eighteen ~ a Map:

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The traffic around Rigdoros would not permit them to land for nearly two whole days. Reine concluded that the traffic was just out of the ordinary. Jack had used that time to get in contact with his fence, Ronald Salentine. 

When the Naughtilus landed, the fence was waiting with a large cargo truck. She talked with him for nearly an hour negotiating the price of their haul. When all was said and done, she was cursing the man; he had bought all of the salvage at a fraction of the worth, but she could not blame him as - it was his trade and he would not profit otherwise. Ronald’s laborers began to unload the salvage, as she made her way back to her crew; whom waited for her near the cargo hatch.

Jack looked much like a tall, lanky bodyguard. Jin wore one of her nicest sundresses, which was a light blue color with a tribal rose pattern that went across the sleeves, down the sides, and trimmed the bottom of the dress. Reine wore her black sundress she had bought before they salvaged the Swan and her force-shield bracer.

Rigdoros was humid and hot this time of year, and all three were beginning to sweat. She was already ready to leave the planet. Instead, she took a deep breath and began to go over the next step.

“Alright - good job, Jack. Pretty certain that we wouldn’t have earned much more anywhere else. Plus, it is a bonus that this stuff will be used against the Federation instead of for it.”

She reached into her bra and pulled out her communication device again. After pressing a few keys, she sent each of them their cut of the loot. She put a cut into an expense account her girlfriend had access to, before she continued to speak.

“Okay, I need to goto the bank. I know it isn’t much, but I paid you both a share. I got a share, and I set up an expense account for parts to upgrade our vessel. 

Jack, I want you to wait here until these goons are done unloading the haul. Jin, you need to order supplies and get some parts to upgrade the Naughtilus. I would like to focus on engines and shields, but let's make sure our turrets work too. Some spare parts for the mechas and ship would go a long way if the expense account can handle it.”

“Why are we upgrading the Naughtilus, I thought we only needed him for the salvage operation,'' her girlfriend asked with an annoyed glance. 

“I’ve decided to keep him - also, please don’t upgrade the cockpit. I kind of like it and I read that these systems are more durable than newer systems. The truth is, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Jack, you’ve been a real help and you’ve grown on me. I feel for you, so I won’t be dropping you off at your rebellion.”

“Wait… what?”

Jack’s expression said it all. He was about to blow up and start yelling, but she held up a hand and silenced him. She continued to speak with a hint of annoyance. 

“Instead, we all will be going to your rebellion. I’m not making any promises, but I do intend on helping out as-much-as I can. That doesn’t mean we will stay until it is over, but maybe we can make a difference for your people and give them some options in case things go further south.”

He was speechless and hugged Reine so hard she felt like her eyes would pop out of their sockets. She patted him on the back, as she started suffocating. She spoke up with a strained voice.

“Okay… okay… put me down now.”

He put her down and spoke passionately, “Thank you… you don’t know how much this means to me.”

She went flush and replied weakly, “Fine, you're welcome. Just don’t start crying, I don’t think I could handle that emotion right now. Let’s get to it.” 

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