Author's note

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Hi guys...
How are you all.
First of all thank you so much for the love I've been receiving from you guys on my previous work.
Though it's not my original work but still you guys have been praising me so much. Supporting me. Motivating me.
It brings tears to my eyes :') *sniffs*

So I thought of posting some more stories.

Now you'll be thinking why didn't I add these stories to that book only. Why this second part. Because truely speaking it won't be any different from the previous one.
So the thing is if I add more stories to the previous book then the people who have already read the story, thinking that is a complete book deleted it from their library, they won't be able to read the stories again because they have already completed the book.
So that's why this another part.
Now you get it... :D

And guys I would again like to tell you that the stories I'll be posting here are not my original work. These stories I found them on internet. If I'll make any change to the story or do anything to change the originality of the story then I'll let you know beforehand.

Thank you

If you like my stories then do comment guys.
I read each and every comment of yours.

And if you have any short horror story of your own then do share it with me. I'll love to publish it under your name.

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