Chapter 11 - Fucking biologicals pissed me off

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Ashlynn's POV-

"Well, now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." I replied while getting off the couch and grabbing the keys to my motorcycle, leaving them all stunned to their thoughts.

"Why are you doing this" Alfie said in a low - almost broken - voice which caused me to stop in my tracks.

"What" I groaned, while turning around to face him. I really just wanted to go to our safe house mansion and chill there.

"Why are you doing this- Why save us when you never even bothered to return to us- when you abandoned me-" He exclaimed.

Alright now I'm really confused.

I looked at him like he was an idiot. "Yeah I'm really not following" I said in a bored tone, already done with his drama.

"Don't act all innocent like you don't know what I'm talking about" now he was raging. God this guy needs to keep his anger in check or he'll end up with a broken nose.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the couch, really not having any energy to deal with this bullshit.

"You're gonna have to be a lot more specific if you don't wanna annoy me enough to break your neck." I deadpanned.


Ok I have no clue what he's talking about but this is starting to piss me off. Firs off he decides to be a dick to me for no reason and now he's yelling about how I abandoned him or some shit after I literally just saved his and his family's life-

God somebody needs to teach these kids how to be grateful.

"And when did I exactly abandon you?" I asked while rolling my eyes, trying not to loose my cool just yet.

He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

"11 years ago when you ran away." He answered, pure venom lacing his voice.

"What" I said this time, in a low voice, confusion and hate visible in my eyes. This better not be what I'm thinking.

"Yeah. 11 years ago. When you beat up your twin. When you destroyed our mother's stuff. When you told me you didn't do it. When you RAN AWAY. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW BETRAYED I FELT. YOU LEFT ME. AFTER YOU PROMISED THAT WE'LL NEVER LEAVE EACHOTHER." He yelled, now tears clearly visible in his eyes.

I just sat there, frozen in my place. What? That was the only question running through my mind. Actually scratch that- there were a million questions running through my mind.

Did they lie to him all those years ago? Did he actually BELIEVE them?

"You think I ran away? RAN AWAY? You wanna know what really happened. Why don't you ask your dear dad and brother." I replied through gritted teeth while giving Alexander and Lucian a deadly glare.

"What?" Now it was Alfie's turn to look confused. He turned towards the both of them and they looked like guilty little kids who were caught stealing candy.

Alright shut up brain this is not the time to make jokes.

"I um.....we" Lucian stuttered, scared like a little coward.

"We sent her to a hostel to learn the value of family. But she ran away from there after an year and we never saw her again. That's why we never told you the truth, because she did run away. Sooner or later." Alexander replied, now glaring at me as if this was somehow all my fault.

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