Chapter 36

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jasmines pov:

it's been 2 hours that i've been up here at my hideout. all i've been doing is thinking about everything that happened earlier. for some reason it doesn't feel real.

everyone's been blowing up my phone asking where i am and if i'm okay and that they're here for me but i don't wanna hear it. i don't want to be bothered at all right now. i just want to be alone.

i brought my knees up to my chest and put my head down as i started to lightly cry.

my phone started ringing and i knew it was billie because of the ring tone. after it rang for a little i decided to answer.

"baby? are you okay? where'd you go?" she asked frantically

"i'm fine"

"are you sure? where are you" she asked again.

"i just want to be left alone okay, can you do that for me" i ask.

"i don't think you should be alone right now, baby"

"i'll be home soon, i just want to be alone" i said and hung up before she could say anything else.

it started to get a little cold so i went back into my car and just sat there. i know i said id be home soon but i don't want to leave yet. if i go home that means i'd have to confront the problem and right now i just want some peace and quiet. there's no problems here, so i'm willing to stay as long as i can.

i recline my chair and cover my self up with my blanket and just relax. my eyes began to get a little heavy and i started to drift off to sleep.


"jasmine it's me, i'm your dad" vince said bringing me into a hug. i didn't hug him back, instead i tried to push him away but i couldn't. i felt weak. "you're not my dad, you left me and my mom. why? we weren't good enough for you?" i cried out still trying to push him away but i still couldn't. i felt locked in like i couldn't do anything. "i'm sorry-"

i jolted up out of my sleep, out of breath and sweating uncontrollably. my eyes fluttered from the sun beaming through my windshield.

fuck, i fell asleep at my hideout. i grabbed my phone out of the cup holder to check the time. it was 10:53 am.

i had almost 100 missed calls and text messages from both billie and my mom. i'm not surprised, they were just worried and i said i was gonna come home but i didn't. i put my key in the ignition and started my car and heading back home.

after what felt like the longest drive i made it back home. i walked up to the front door to unlock it and i kinda hesitated a little bit but still opened it. when i walked in my mom and billie were sitting on the coach and they both ran to me and pulled me into a hug. i immediately started crying. "i'm sorry" i whispered out.

"you did nothing wrong honey, don't apologize" my mom said pulling out of the hug.

"i was just so confused i didn't know what to do-" i stopped in my tracks when i saw the same guy from last night reveal himself from around the corner. all the anger and confusion came rushing back and it showed on my face "what the hell is he doing here" i said aggravated.

"he still wants to talk to you" billie said sending him a look. "what do we have to talk about" i snapped my response at him. "a lot. why i left, why i'm back, and how much i've missed you jas. i want to be in your life again" he said.

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