King Gregory. 29

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror as Melissa walks up from behind me, a confident look on her face.

"Are you ready for this?" she asks as she walks closer to me and I turn to her, cradling her chin in my hand.

"Absolutely." I say as I observe how she's beautifully dressed in a velvety, long sleeve, dark green gown, her hair packed and styled in a gorgeous ponytail that brings out her enchanting face.

"You look breathtaking." I say to her and she smiles as she leans up to kiss me, her warm lips teasing me into a passionate and comforting rhythm.

"So do you." She says when the kiss is over, a small smile on her face and I chuckle.

"I should have feasts more often." I say and she giggles, moving back a bit to take in my appearance.

"I can't wait for this to be over, so I can finally be your wife in peace." She says as she caresses my jaw and I take her hand in mine.

"I can't wait either." I say, just as the distant sound of trotting horses draws my attention from the window. With Melissa's hand in mine, we both walk towards the window and I spot a couple of approaching carriages, along with some knights on horses, all marching towards the castle...the purple flag flapping to reveal the Sunflower symbol.

"He came....with his council men too." Melissa says and I take in a deep breath as I watch the carriage draw closer.

Well, this is it.

I turn back to Melissa as I shut the window behind me, all too cautious of her being spotted through it.

"So this is it?" she asks, a bit of fear in her blue eyes and I nod as I squeeze her hand softly to reassure her.

"Yeah it is. Don't worry, it's going to be okay." I say and she takes in a deep breath as she nods.

"I know it is. I trust you." She says and her words affect me in a way I didn't expect, overwhelming me with a strong sense of confidence.

"So I'll stay close by, but out of sight until you give the signal right?" she asks.

"Yes. And don't worry, the guards have Halley's room surrounded and will also be with you until I need you."

I hear the castle gates open at that instant and a knock on the door follows almost immediately.

"Your Majesty," Felipe calls from the other side, "They're here. We should be downstairs to welcome them in." He says and I turn back to Melissa.

"Stay safe, okay? I love you." I say and give her a quick kiss.

"I love you too. Be careful." She says in response before I head for the door, her fingers taking their time to slip out of mine.


I join Felipe at the bottom of the stairs just as the guards open the door to let in King Gregory and his council men and guards. The closer King Gregory gets to me, the more I realise how much I want to pummel in his face and by the time he is standing directly in front of me, it takes every ounce of my self control not to grab him by the neck until he stops breathing.

Instead, I force a smile and practically push the words of greeting from my mouth.

"King Gregory, Council men of Greenland, I'd like to personally welcome you first to this Feast of Truce which I hope will be the beginning of better things to come." I say and King Gregory, who had a disapproving scowl on his face, breaks into a wide smile.

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