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"Don't talk to bad people, don't skip class, don't have sex, do-"

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"Don't talk to bad people, don't skip class, don't have sex, do-"

"Really? Why the fuck would I have sex?" I question Nards looking at him like he's crazy. This guy.

"I don't know what you did before you came to live with me!" He defends his reasons. I raise my eyebrows at him squinting a bit.

"I haven't had sex with anyone before Nards." I inform him rolling my eyes. Well not consensually. He nods rapidly as he pulls up to the school parking lot. We are here early so we can get my schedule and quickly tour around the school.

The school looks like a fucking castle, like a wizard school full of druggies and hippies. Hippies are cool, druggies are bad.

"Maggie?" He turns his whole body towards me. I nod my head looking at him with slightly excited and slightly nervous eyes. My hands twiddle with the millions of elastics I have on my wrist.

"Everything will be okay, we are going to go in there, get your schedule and then you can start school. If you have any and I mean any issues with the school work please let me know. We can get you an individual education plan, that way you are exempt from doing hard tests that you have no background knowledge on. I want you to be comfortable more than I want you to get high marks. Just try your best okay?"

Rapidly I nod my head hiding my fear with a big smile. It's like he knows what my biggest fear of starting school again would be.

"Let's go then." I gesture. He gets out of his car and goes over to my side opening my door. While we walk through the empty halls to the office I clutch onto the sleeve of his suit jacket slightly. I am not the anxious type but I have never been to highschool before.

It's way bigger than I imagined. It has weird twists and turns and a lot of attention grabbing posters.

Reaching the office I see a very grouchy looking woman seated behind the desk. Poor thing is going to have to deal with me more than once.

That will be hilarious.

She glares at us but when she sees Nardos face she slightly pales and collects papers off her desk.

"I need the schedule for Maggie Giovanni." He interrupts the question she was about to ask. She scrambles around like her ass is on fire making me snort. Nards nudges me a bit with a small smirk of his own.

"Here you go s-sir." She stutters handing him the paper. Nodding he pulls me out of the office.

"That was funny." I giggle looking up at him. He smirks as he looks through my schedule. His smirk drops and I see him grimace at my schedule.

"You poor thing." He mumbles to himself taking a picture of my schedule. "Take a picture that way you don't have to carry the paper." Doing as he says I finally look at the schedule and I immediately feel suicidal.

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