53: F O U N D ❤️

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play this music 

play this music 

jungkook: fuck you 

taehyung was taken back by the sudden  kiss 

tears flowed from both of them 

he felt warm only warm 

the thing which he longed from so long

the thing he was forbidden to do but he didn't care anymore  

he missed him so much 

he felt bad 

really bad for not being able to be good boyfriend to his first love 

they backed away to breathe 

jk: why would you try to leave me huh!?

why taehyung.... 

WHY !?

taehyung weakly wiped away the tears which flowed from jungkook's cheek 

jk: you are just gonna cause more depression to me dumbhead to happiness 

taehyung chuckled while his tears dropped down from his cheek 

jk: I have always told you tae how much I love you  

then why would you even * sigh*

 just seeing that video look at my state now 

what do u think will happen if u actually left me all alone

jungkook cupped taehyung's face 

jk: what would I do without you 

you think I will forget about you and leave with someone else happily? * scoff*

I would just kill myself and come with you 

I promised I will never leave ur side 

another tears flowed from both of them  in sync

jk: I am madly in love with you my one and only love 

taehyung bite his lip together to not let the sobs out 

he slowly raise his hands and kept it above jungkook's wounded hands slowly which was placed on his cheek 

jk: I cant even think about leaving with someone else other than u my Bambi

b-beofre I didnt even care who I was with  nor I didnt cared about their feelings 

I felt disgust  when I see their face  longer 

I always kept on changing partners every day 

I never wanted to be in a serious  relationship 

I -I n-never believed in l-love 

but you made me fall head on heels for u at the first day I saw u 

My heart was on fire for your love

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