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"didi get up."


"heidi get up."


"heidi marlene schmidt if you don't get up right now, im gonna drag your flat ass out of bed."

the blonde girl who was currently lying in a fetal position underneath her ruffled duvet, peaked her head out the other side with an eyebrow raised.

"hey! my ass isn't that flat!"

thea scoffed rolling her eyes. "is that the only thing you picked out of my sentence?"

heidi didn't responded and just threw the duvet over herself again. rolling her eyes, thea groaned, sitting down at the edge of her best friend's bed.

"you're being ridiculous. he's just a guy didi," thea spoke, "it's not the end of the world!"

"i'm not being ridiculous! he's not just a guy, T!" heidi half shouted in response, her figure moving manically under the duvet.

"fine. he's just a rich guy - now get over him!" the brunette scoffed.

"exactly thea he was rich! and am i rich? no! he could have taken me on dates to exotic countries in his private jet. he could put a ring on my finger thats worth more than my entire life savings!"

"and you could also regret that you spent you're entire life crushing on him because he was an absolute douchebag!" thea reasoned.

heidi's parents had decided to go away on a weekend trip to paris and while they were there, she had met a boy called alfred. yes - his name was already a big red flag.

and after their weekend romance, heidi had to come back to little old aachen and was crushed that she would never see alfred again.

"you know who isn't a douchebag?" heidi spoke up after a minute or two, popping her head out from underneath the thick duvet.

thea cocked her head to the side, intrigued as to what name the blonde was about to say.

"mason mount," she smiled dreamily, flopping onto her back, her head in her pillow, "he's honestly gorgeous, like-"

"oh my god NO, heidi!" the brunette groaned in annoyance, "please never say that again. if you're gonna obsess over somebody please don't let it be somebody from the groupchat."

heidi scoffed, half joking half annoyed. "wow so now that you have your whole thing going on with kai, i can't fancy any of the other footballers?"

"oh lord, for the last time - there's nothing going on between me and kai!" thea insisted.

"you basically message him more than you message me!"

"that's because i basically live with you!" thea cried out, swinging one if the spare pillows at her best friend's head.

heidi sighed, finally sitting up and pushing the duvet fully off of her. "but you can't deny that there is a lot of chemistry between you guys."

"there isn't!"

heidi raised an eyebrow.

"i swear!"

"so you have zero feelings for him whatsoever?" heidi questioned.

"zero," thea confirmed, "he's just a really good friend - that's all. and plus he lives in england so even if i did like him, it wouldn't really work out."

"ever heard of long distance?"

"have you met me?" thea widened her eyes, "i would never be able to cope with long distance!"

heidi hummed. "actually yeah that's quite true. you're the clingiest person ever.

"bitch!" thea glared, getting up from the bed, turning on her heel and beginning to walk out the room

"don't know how i cope with you around 24/7."

"i'm making breakfast!" thea yelled, halfway down the corridor, with her middle finger flipped backwards to the girl she called her best friend.

heyy!!! this chap
is a tad short but
if i added any
more it would
just be unnecessary

also tysm to everyone
who has been voting
as im #1 in kai
havertz which i still
can't belive but it
means the world!!!

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