V, my kind of woman

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FIVE, my kind of woman

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FIVE, my kind of woman

italics — rues narration


"do you and liana like each other?" rue asked, sitting on elliot's bed with a blunt between her fingers. elliot was sprawled out beside her, doodling on his sketch pad but looked up quickly at rues question. he wanted to answer with a snarky and stupid response but instead just shrugged.

"i mean i don't know if she likes me, but i know that i like her." he said. "you do?" she asked. he nodded, "yeah." he said. rue raised her brows, "wow. no hesitation there at all." she said. "because i know i do." he said. "one hundred percent?" she asked. "one thousand percent."

it's not that his crush on liana was hard to believe, because it wasn't. he talked about her a lot, and thought about her a lot. and sometimes when he would hang out i would catch him drawing sketches of her in his notebook which he never finished but always started again.

it was sweet to me, despite the fact that she didn't like elliot and i being friends. besides, it's not like she didn't have good reason.

"dude, that's amazing." rue hit his shoulder. he smiled and pushed her hand off of him, shaking his head. "not amazing if she doesn't like me." he said. "okay, what makes you think she doesn't like you?" she asked. elliot sighed, "i don't know. i mean, she's nice to me and she always wants to spend time with me but what does that say, y'know?"

"a lot? she likes being around you." rue said, inhaling some of the smoke from the blunt. "i like being around my friends too. not because i like them that way." he said. rue rolled her eyes, "if you're so worried then just ask her." she said. "ask her what?" he asked. "if she likes you,"

"i swear all your brain cells just exploded in your head." he said. rue furrowed her brows, "don't be a pussy." she chuckled. "i'm not being a pussy! she's important to me and i can't lose her because of my feelings. that's not fair." he said. "what's not fair is you freaking out over whether or not she likes you when she clearly does!"

"you don't know that, rue." elliot looked down at his sketch pad, beginning to draw out lianas face shape without much thought. he had memorized the way she looked so perfectly that every drawing he did of her looked picture perfect.

"you want me to find out?" she asked, taking her phone out of her pocket. elliot looked up quickly, snatching the phone out of rues hands.

"you're done." he said, slipping his phone into his back pocket. "elly!" she said. "you can't fuck this up rue, i'm serious. i will murder you." he threatened. "yeah, whatever. i don't think me and liana are on good terms right now anyway." rue said. "you're not." he said. "how do you know that?"

"she doesn't like that i do drugs with you." he said. "why?" she asked. "because we're gonna fuckin' kill each other, rue. i told you this the first day we hung out alone." he said. rue grinned, feeling some kind of pride from how worried liana made elliot.

she liked knowing how bad of a drug addict she was, it was almost like she was setting an example which made her excessive drug use worthwhile.

"yet you're still doing drugs with me." she smiled proudly. "and i got a whole suitcase full of drugs with our names on it."

"if i tell you something, promise you won't bug out?" elliot asked. liana walked around her room frantically, cleaning up any mess she possibly could. elliot showed up to her house unannounced for the third time in a row, which irritated liana more than she let show. she turned to him with a pile of clothes in her arms, "depends.." her voice trailed off.

she walked into her closet, dumping the pile of clothes onto the floor and kicking it further in before shutting the door. "it's not anything bad, trust me." he said.

liana then moved to her dresser, collecting all of her loose makeup and stuffing it into her makeup drawer. elliot shivered at how aggressive she was with putting things away, but he found it quite amusing.

"so, what is it?" she asked. she walked over to her bed next, forcing elliot to sit up so she could fluff and reorganize her pillows placement. she began to fold her blankets up, tossing them to the end of her bed. "my birthday is in a few days." he bit the inside of his cheek. liana froze almost immediately, before a smile appeared on her face. "elliot!" she practically jumped on him out of excitement.

elliot chuckled, wrapping her arms around her protectively so she didn't fall of the bed. "why didn't you tell me sooner? you suck!" she threw a couple of fake punches into his chest. "because it's not a big deal." he said. "yes it is?! you're gonna be 18!" she said. she had the biggest smile on her face and it made elliot happy, his face started to heat up as a blush began to arise.

"what day is it?" she asked. she sat up by now, sitting aside from elliot with her legs draped over him. he rested his hand on her knees, rubbing his thumb against her bare skin which neither of them seemed to mind. "wednesday." he said. she nodded, "okay, i have time to prepare." he furrowed his brows, "prepare what?" he asked. "your party."

elliot shook his head, "no." liana nodded, "yeah, it's happening." she said. "liana, no. i don't want you spending money on me or wasting your time to throw me a party. for real, it's just another day." he said. "elliot, you are so special and i want you to feel that on your birthday." she grabbed ahold of his shirt, shaking him back and forth and inevitably yanking him closer to her.

they were so close that elliot began to feel insecure. he wondered if liana could hear how hard his heart was beating against his chest, or how his breathing began to pick up speed. liana still had a grip on his shirt, although it had loosened to give elliot access to back up again.

but, he didn't.

he stayed close to her, both of them not knowing what to do next. they both realized what the moment was bringing upon them and they contemplated how it would go in their heads. liana wondered whether or not elliot was thinking the same as she was, while elliot was thinking about whether or not it was a good moment to do what he was about to do.

either way, he leaned in and interlocked their lips. liana was taken aback for a quick moment even though she knew it was gonna happen. she could feel it, her whole body began to feel sparks as they kissed.

one of her hands lost grip of his shirt completely and rested on his shoulder as one of his hands traveled to the back of her neck, trying to keep the kiss for as long as he could. neither of them wanted to pull away but soon elliot broke the kiss, looking at her nervously.

"fuck, i'm sorry," he let go of her neck and she let go of his shirt, elliot moving to get off the bed. "it's okay." he was surprised to feel liana jerk him back onto the bed, her hand resting on his cheek. "do it again."


elliot and liana supremacy!!

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