part 12

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Tae:-so finally your room is ready
do you like it baby?

Tae asked while laying down Hazal in her new crib
Tiny one got excited new change was kind of fresh air for her.. for expressing her happiness she started to giggling and clapping

Tae:-so my princess loves this idea I am very glad to making you happy

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Tae:-so my princess loves this idea I am very glad to making you happy

Tae:-did you see  all  your toys?
Do you wanna play with them?
I also shopped few Barbie dolls and their huge home as well after sometime we will decorate dolls house but now one most important thing is to share this new stuff and your happiness with your dad so let's take some photos all of them and tiny video clip of your through which we will inform your dad that how satisfied and excited you are regarding your new stuff 

After taking few photos and recording video of Hazal happy reactions...tae sent them to jk though at that time jk was busy in the meeting when whatsapp notifications popped after getting know Hazal baby sitter sent him something he couldn't wait and secretly putted down his phone on his thigs actually he was dying in crucity he desperately wanted to know if room's new decoration made his daughter happy or not so he checked out whatsapp notification beautiful purple colour decoration made jk's mood fresh as well but most importantly Hazal tiny giggles and clapping made his day though that day since morning he was suffering from headich but Hazal was actually his happiness pills after witnessing her happiness Jk totally forgot his pain and once again started to enjoying his meeting
After meeting jk also showed those pictures and video clip to his hyung
Hobi:-it's amazing man tae is such a brilliant person
Jk:-look how happy Hazal is looking
Hobi:-why she shouldn't be happy when she gets room according to her choice the idea of decorating room according kids taste  why did not come  into our mind, but look how perfectly tae did that basically he understand kids minds more than us though he is still very young
Jk:-I think you are right he deserves appreciation for that, but before thanking him I need to thank you first because you are the one who selected as a baby
Hobi:-mention not I am very glad that our princess is happy ok now listen try to behave polite with him if you give respect and value to his works next time he will try to do his work with more honesty.

Jk:-  alright then I am gonna thanks him
Hobi:-that's great and yeah don't gorget take some medicines

Jk Contacted  tae through call:-

Jk:- today Hazal was looking very happy .

Tae:-yes she was infact she is still peacefully sleeping in her new crib tightly hugging her new tedybear

Jk:-hmmm that's  great

Tae:-yes it is

Two minutes pin dropped silence they both were not sure who should break this silence first... though there were alot of things for discussion but they both were behaving like dumb and deef after sometimes finally Jk dared to break the silence

Jk:-I thought you are  gonna decorate home with baby pink colour

Tae:-yes thats what I decided before leaving for shopping but after seeing purple colour around of me i changed my idea
Jk:-May I know why you suddenly changed your idea?
Tae:-yeah you may...basically purple colour is very near to my heart since childhood it's my most favourite colour for me its symbol of love so I choose this colour to only make understand Hazal the value of love i wanna tell her our life is beautiful as like this colour so we should spread love all and positive wibes around of us for enjoying beauty of life...we never be successful for getting happiness until we share and celebrate them with us...according to me this is the basic essence of purple colour

Jk:-are you studying philosophy or perhaps literature
Tae:-not really but why you asked?

Jk:-then you must watching alot of creepy kdramas I just simply asked you that why you choose that colour?  instead of pink" you started giving me lecture on love and purple colour  whatever... can't you simply answer

Tae:-I also have  something to ask you
Jk:-and what's that?
Tae:-can't you simply listen other's point of view and respect their this necessary to interrupt others in the mid way

Once again without listening tae he cut the phone

Tae:-heshh this bastard... he can't be change...I think  once again i crossed my limits oh tae can't you control your sharp tounge..tae said to him self....wait wait he is the one who is at fault it was necessary to show him his face into the mirror yes tae you did greet keep going on don't worry he will not fire you until he return back

because you are making his daughter happy so he can't even dare to mess around before his return so chill

because you are making his daughter happy so he can't even dare to mess around before his return so chill

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Jk:-no one even dare to talk me in loud voice before... but this jerk is raising objections on my behaviour how dares him I just called him for thanking him but he was busy in showing his so called attitude I am gonna fire him now
...wait jk what are you gonna do  don't forget...except of you he is the only person who is sincerely taking care of your daughter in your absence, if today Hazal is smiling ,laughting, giggling and sleeping sound is just because of him,  you are far away from your princess and to be very honest you cant expect anything from that brainless bitch lisa that's why you can't afford to lose this jerk, you just need to tolerate him until you return back to your princess so relax just behave normal just think nothing happened ... yes nothing happened at all ...he talked with him self

he talked with him self

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