7 - Behind Enemy Lines

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They hadn't travelled for more than two days, when the outline of the capital appeared on the horizon. Elanthin wasn't particularly apprehensive about entering the city, even if it could mean her end was inching closer. After she had been confined to a carriage for two days, no matter how luxurious, she felt like a sack of bones someone had shook repeatedly. Nothing seemed to be in its right place anymore.

Myrel smiled at her apprehensively as their gazes met and Elanthin sighed. She wasn't certain about the maid's willingness to come along but, as usual, she had received a favorable answer when she had asked her to tag along.

"Are you excited to see a Gratian city?"

Elanthin's question had been innocent enough but Myrel flinched. "Not particularly. I was always content with the Veritan settlements."

"I didn't ask for your opinion of my city planning." Elanthin raised a hand to pull the heavy carriage curtains aside. For now, lush woods were passing them by in a flash of greens and browns. Exciting enough for two exiles, who had never seen a tree looking this healthy before. "I was merely trying to strike up a conversation."

It had been foolish of her but the further they travelled into Gratian territory, the more Elanthin felt the need to connect to something familiar. Something Veritan. It was Myrel's bad luck that there was nothing apart from her which met the description.

"To be honest, I'm afraid of what's waiting for us", responded Myrel cautiously. "We weren't told much."

She was right about that, they knew nothing. After exchanging brief greetings with king Aetrian on the first day, they hadn't received another word from him. Nevertheless, he hadn't left the delegation alone for a second. He was riding in front, while she and her maid remained confined in this wagon, so they wouldn't be detected before reaching the palace.

Elanthin had expected the possibility that the Gratians would drag her all the way to the capital but their isolation felt like a waste of time. The end result wouldn't change so why was he delaying the inevitable? By meeting him at the Eternal Barrier with no more than a handful of royal guards and a maid, she'd already offered herself up – for better or worse.

Discontentment about this way of traveling grew in her and it had less to do with her own future than with her people's. If it was necessary for her to hide herself on the roads, how did Aetrian expect thousands of Veritans to be welcomed amongst the citizens of Gratia?

"Maybe he's planning on banishing them to remote lands once more", she muttered to herself.

Myrel pretended not to notice her mistress' monologue and kept her gaze fixed on the material in her hands. A few hours ago, they'd stopped at a market to take a few steps in the brisk spring air and to fill up on supplies. Upon seeing the wide selection of cheap threads and fabrics, Myrel had nearly fainted. It was thanks to a Gratian royal guard that she'd safely found her way back into the carriage – in possession of a few dozen somethings.

Since then, she hadn't stopped sewing to Elanthin's relief. The tension in the air had been reduced since Myrel could focus her anxiety on a project.

Elanthin gripped her sheathed short swords as if to check that they were still in place. It had turned into a habit since they'd passed the barrier. In theory, her homelands should be the ones inducing terror and fright but Elanthin was more comfortable with the Plain's run-down settlements than entering a Gratian city. While she could count on her people and the army to have her back out there, Aetrian's capital and palace would be filled with people whom she had to consider enemies. As grim as this thought was, they wouldn't trust her either.

The known evil, she repeated Vax' words silently. The advisor must be fuming right now, cursing her bloodline from the first to the last Verita.

It couldn't be helped, she told herself for the millionth time. We'd have become prey either way. The Gratians are still preferable to the monsters, as they're easier to kill in case of an emergency.

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