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when I laid my eyes on her, I couldn't peel them away. an angel was placed gently in my lap and I sat there, beside her sleeping mother, unable to stop crying tears of pure joy. she was beautiful, even beyond a blurry vision.

Carlisle scurried around the room, trying to make everything right with my unresponsive sister. Bella was laid in the bed, all stitched up and bloody in the middle. they said she might be okay but we wouldn't know for a few days. if she came back around, I would have to get lost for a while. she would be ravenous, ready to bite down on anything with blood in it.

the baby laid sleeping in my arms, pale and fat. Jacob sat beside me all the while, kissing my head, stroking my hair. the Cullens came and went about the lower level, hanging out in the next room and peeking their head into this one to make sure things were okay. jasper wasn't around, though, and neither was Alice.

I had no idea what time it was, what day it was, or even if those measurements existed anymore. life played before me like a fever dream. everything that happened wasn't really happening to me.

Edward clung to Bellas side, even as Carlisle moved around her. he was kissing her head, fixing her hair, her blankets, telling her about the baby in my arms. I observed Esme creating a sort of birth certificate, and when she was finished with that, she crafted a star chart for the baby. I didn't even know if the baby had a name yet, but I couldn't ask. I don't know why. my body was just tired and my brain was incapable of doing what it took to speak.

in time, Rosalie came and took the baby. I'd never seen her look so kind or happy before. usually she was so dark and rude, even in just blinking her eyes, but she was soft and gentle now.

"you look exhausted," Jacob said to me after Rosalie walked away. I nodded. "come upstairs, they set up Edward's room for us."

I slowly followed Jacob up the stairs and towards the middle of the house. when we passed through the hallway to Edward's room, I could hear Jasper and Alice talking to each other. I stopped by the door while Jacob walked on, oblivious. it was the door to the reading room.

"it's okay," Alice said over and over and over again.

"no, I can't keep doing this," jasper said, sounding distraught. "I think we should go. maybe just for a little. New York or something. Wyoming, I don't fucking care. I don't fucking care."

"but don't you want to stick around? there's a new baby, and... Bella's going to need her friends around... ada, too... I mean, we can't leave now. we just can't. why don't you just go out for a quick hunt? clear your head?" Alice said, talking fast.

Jacob stopped in front of Edwards door and noticed I wasn't behind him. he looked over at me, then went into the room and turned the light on.

"oh my god, Alice," jasper said so quietly, I almost couldn't hear him. "oh, my god."

"it's okay," she said again, matching his volume. "things are going to be okay now, I think. you know, except for the whole... Volturi thing... but that will get sorted out, probably. we have to stay with them through this. we can't go now, I'm sorry. I really think you should just get out for the night. I'll come with you if you want."

I frowned, looking down at my feet. I didn't want them to leave.

suddenly, the room was silent. no noise came from the room whatsoever.

confused, I walked down the hall to Edwards room and found Jacob settling into the bed.

I turned off the light and crawled into bed beside him as my thoughts melted away and I was finally allowed to rest. sleep rolled over me and flattened me like a boulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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