We're Finally Going To LA!

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I sigh looking at the eviction notice. I can't believe this. We're getting evicted. I paid rent this week...I think.

I massage my nose and look over to Sage and smile as I see her eating her noodles. Sage always makes me feel better.

She's my baby. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring. "Mommy who is it?"

"It's Daniel's dad, baby" I answer Sage and I press to answer.

"Dad why-" I hear Daniel's voice "Not now Daniel" I Laugh hearing his voice thru the phone.

It's been a bit awkward since the date with Austin this is the first time he's calling me after the date.

"Oh, she answered, Bella!" I hear Austin say. " Hey there" I smile and walk to my room. I leave Sage in the kitchen and lock my door. 

"So..." I break the silence and I hear Austin exhale "Oh right why I wanted to talk to you was because I got an idea and I wanted to share it with you" 

My heart melts, he wants to share his idea with...me?

I catch myself smiling and playing with my hair. 

"So what is your great Idea" I hear Austin laugh "I know you and Sage have been through a lot so I wanted all of us to go to LA I can buy us all tickets," Austin says. 

I blush when he says 'us.' 

"I haven't heard that word in a while," I say and Austin says "What word, LA?" His voice tune makes me burst laughing "No, the word Us I haven't heard it in a while" I chuckle and play with my hair.

"Oh Now I feel stupid" He laughs. "yeah you kinda are" I laugh and hear Austin laugh "Oh you're going to pay for that Love" 

After talking on the phone for about an hour Austin and I decode it's will be fun to go to LA but we agreed we both pay for our kids and ourselves. 


I walk out of my room and look around for Sage. I find her talking with someone outside but I don't see anyone other than Sage. 

I shake it off and call Sage inside to tell her the good news ." baby, we're finally going to LA!" I shriek and laugh when Sage jumps up and down "Yay!" sage hugs me and I smile. 

"daniel and his dad are also coming", I say and Sage looks at me and smiles "Mommy can I tell you something" I nod and she whispers in my ears " I like Daniel" Sage giggles. 

"Do you like Austin's daddy?" Sage looks at me and I laugh. Sage just stares at me and my eyes wide. "Oh, your serious" I exhale and sit down on the couch. 

 I open my mouth to answer but freeze when someone knocks on the door. 

I walk to the door and open the door. When I see who is t the door my jaw drops. 

"Holy shit!" I whisper as I stare at Myles. 

He's really here.

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