Chapter 13

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If there is a group of people in the school who are most sensitive to climate change, it is the students who read in the morning.

Lisa woke up early every day to go the playground to read English, it was obvious that the weather had turned cooler.

The sky is gradually thick with clouds, gray and gloomy.

The sun also lazily hides in the clouds to stay in bed, late to rise, the eastern sky reveals a few light pink.

The air was cool and crisp.

Even though the weather has turned cooler, there are many students reading and running in the morning.

Lisa holds a book on the athletic field while walking and reading, occasionally withered weeds crossed her ankles, she jumped and lifted her foot to pick the itch, and saw Jungkook in a sports outfit running in the morning, headphones in his ears, vigorous.

She froze for a moment, her books crumpled into volumes in her hands.

She happened to have finished reading a text, so she hurriedly put the book away and left the playground.

She planned to go to class early to read, so she didn't plan to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. She went into the kiosk to buy a loaf of bread to cope with the situation and gave five yuan, and the kiosk owner gave her two yuan and a half.

Lisa wondered, "Isn't this bread sold for two dollars?"

"The price has gone up, two dollars and a half"

"Why did the price go up?" While she was asking this, someone in through the door, and his or her figure immediately blocked the light of the sky outside. It quickly flickered away again.

The autumn sunlight slanted in and covered Lisa's hands.

When did the sun come up.

The man was picking something from the self behind her, the space inside the kiosk was narrow, he looked down and said, "Student, please give way"

Lisa's heart jumped in her chest, like a pinball hitting the wall.

She glanced back at him at the speed of light and then averted her gaze at the speed of light, hurriedly stepping forward and pressing against the counter to make way for the person behind her.

He walked past.

The boss's wife said, "The supplier's price has gone up, and we can only follow suit"

Lisa blushed, "Oh"

She took the change and fled in fear. The shelves of donuts, instant noodles, soda cakes, peanuts, spicy strips....packing colorful blend into a mass of impressionistic paintings, from her eyes flowed.

Only half a step, a sportwear Hyunjin ran into the kiosk, eyes originally followed Jungkook, saw Lisa, smiled: "Good morning, Lisa"

"Good morning"

"Eat this for breakfast? Is it enough to eat?" Hyunjin said with concern.

"Yes, I have a small appetite" Lisa said, A hand reached out from her and swept the QR code on the counter. The hand was white, slender and well-boned. Close by, Lisa smelled the man's scent, just after a run, sweat, soap, the smell of the morning air.

She did not move, the afterglow glanced at him standing next to her, other hand holding two bottles of functional drinks, swept away, the person did not say a word, out of the kiosk.

The tall, thin figure flashed in the sunlight at the door and was gone.

The sun had risen, a thin layer of gold, sprinkled all over the campus.

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