•|chapter six: the visit to the graveyard [1882]

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At night Andrasville wore a cloak of such fiendish gloaming that it aroused great fear and superstition in the hearts of the townsfolk, keeping them locked away in their homes at night

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At night Andrasville wore a cloak of such fiendish gloaming that it aroused great fear and superstition in the hearts of the townsfolk, keeping them locked away in their homes at night.

Johansson Andras, who had never believed in such folklore, for the first time that night felt the same fear bearing down upon him as he followed Paisley Rose to their unknown destination. He could not recognise the town at all, despite living all his life in the very same place.

A never-ending tenebrosity shrouded them from each side whilst thick whitish mist hung beneath the trees along the path. The faint glimmers of the moon did nothing to brighten up the space, for they did not even reach the ground.

No sound, not even of a single living creature reached the ears of the two. It was just the thump of their shoes on the cobbled pathway and the occasional swishing of the cold winter winds whooshing past their ears. Walking out into the open that night felt like walking into the realm of the dead to Johansson, a feeling evident in the way cold sweat formed at the back of his neck and palms. However Paisley on the other hand appeared unbothered as ever, her steps steady and calculating.

"Where are we going, Paisley?" Johansson asked after a few more minutes of walking. In the beginning, he had been too angry at her for accusing his older brother of something as abysmal as murder that he had not spoken at all. But as their journey progressed the silence was becoming too much for him to bear.

"To the graveyard," came the nonchalant answer of Paisley, who kept walking without stopping to turn around. "Do not worry, I am not going to ambush you in there." she chuckled.

"Why are we going there?" Johansson frowned irritatedly at her reaction. He could not understand what she was up to or what did she find so amusing in his query that she had to laugh. Both Paisley and her sister Felicity had grown near them, given the friendly relations of their families but despite that Johansson found Paisley particularly hard to read.

"We are going to visit Felicity's tomb," Paisley answered, her voice trembling for a flick of a moment. "The rest I can't tell you. You have to wait till we reach the graveyard."

"And what proof are we going to find against Jonathan in a grave?"

"There are things in this world which cannot be shown," Paisley suddenly stopped in the middle of her walk. "They can only be felt." She turned around, gazing directly into Johansson's eyes.

For a flick of a moment, a sharp jolt of fear trickled down Johansson's spine. Looking into those electric green eyes of Paisley glinting like that of a cat in that hour, he felt something abnormal, something not of this world burning underneath those pupils. At that moment she did not look like the Paisley he had known for so long; it was a being from a foreign realm.

"Any more questions?" She asked.

Johansson shook his head, nervously gulping down. He did not dare to ask another question, not after seeing that uncanniness within her eyes. A thick, bitter malaise had formed at the end of his tongue, numbing all the sensations within his mouth. It was fear, raw and primal, which he experienced at the moment.

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