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Here's a little background about me. I'm Fabiola, and I was raised in Little Haiti, Miami, Florida. As the first American-born child in my Haitian immigrant family, I had to grow up fast.

My mother worked long hours, so I helped raise my six older siblings born in Haiti, and three younger ones born here in Miami. It was a lot of responsibility for a child, but it made me fiercely independent.

At fourteen, I got pregnant. The father refused involvement, chasing football dreams instead. I graduated as valedictorian with a 5.3 GPA while working and raising my daughter alone.

I started college but had to drop out to because I got pregnant again and support my family when my mother became neglectful of my younger siblings and bills. Then we had to live to a whole different city, Pensacola. One of my sisters, Kettie, became a bartender to help me out with the bills.

My mother felt I did a lousy job as my sister, Kettie, had become a bartender at a gentlemen's club. I had to constantly tell my mother did she preferred Kettie to be a stripper; that would shut her right up.

Now, this is where my story with Sefa comes into play. The man who was supposed to be the man of my dreams but left me.

My sister, Kettie, decided to go on vacation, but her boss said she could only go on it if she found someone to cover her shifts. Kettie immediately begged me to cover her shifts, and I agreed to it only because she said I could have her paycheck for the two weeks she would be gone.

I didn't need the money, but who am I to turn down money? So I showed up to The Experience, the nightclub, on a Friday night to find it packed as usual. It was one of the alluring nightclubs in Pensacola.

I greeted everyone who worked there as I made my way to the bar when Kettie's boss, Jonas, approached me. Jonas had a big crush on my sister.

Kettie was either pretending not to notice, or she did not know that man would sell his soul to be with her. He was constantly asking me for advice on how to get my sister to go out with him, and I felt sorry for him because it would take a miracle for Kettie to date anyone at this point.

"Fabiola, you're right on time," Jonas said.

"I'm always on time to make money, Jonas; you should know that by now," I said as he handed me my uniform and a name tag with the name Temp on it.

I looked up at him in confusion.

"Temp?" I asked him.

Jonas nodded.

"You're not contracted to work here, so I don't want anyone to know your real name for safety reasons, so your name is Temp as in Temporary," Jonas explained to me.

I nodded in understanding what he meant.

"Oh, okay, that makes sense," I said.

"Well, Temp gets to work," Jonas said, walking away.

I head to the bar staff's staff room near the bar and change into the uniform, which was a bit too revealing, but I could deal with it as long as I stayed behind the bar.

I walked out and was immediately greeted by the bar manager, Meilana, a mutual friend of Kettie and mine.

"Girl, I don't know how Kettie convinced you to cover her shifts, but I'm glad you're here. I needed a real professional," Meilana said as she hugged me.

I chuckled as I hugged her back.

"I got you, so where do you want me?" I asked Meilana.

"I need you on the second-floor bar; you're in charge of the VIP service; I know you can handle it, and don't worry, I already told security you're off-limits, and I'm sure Jonas already warned them not to let anyone touch or try you," Meilana answered.

I nodded.

"Good, I can't be going to jail," I said.

Meilana laughed.

"Oh no, we can't have that," Meilana said.

"Okay, I'm going now," I told Meilana.

"Be safe and keep your handheld transceiver on you at all times," Meilana said.

"Yes, I will," I said.

I walked away and took the elevator to the second floor because why not; there's no need to overwork myself by taking the stairs.

I walked out of the elevator and towards the bar when I spotted Briar-Rose preparing to take a group of men who had money to one of the private rooms.

"Briar-Rose," I said, walking up to her.

"Oh, Temp, what you are doing up here?" Briar-Rose asked me.

I looked the men up and down before I answered her. "I'm working the VIP bar tonight, so if you need anything, I'm here," I replied.

Briar-Rose squealed.

"Oh, the drinks are going to be good tonight. Thanks, girl," Briar-Rose said as she opened the door and let the men in.

I shook my head and walked away but not before looking back at the last man to enter the room.

He winked at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Creep," I muttered.

After that six-hour shift, I left the club with six thousand dollars in tips. Ballers' week is heavenly at The Experience, with all the good tips.

I made it to my car when I noticed the group of men that Briar-Rose had danced for and also the ones responsible for the majority of my tips were next to my car and drunk as fuck. I planned to ignore them and get in my car, but the guy who winked at me earlier had other plans.

As soon as I made it to my car, he was there in my face, talking about taking me out on a date. I laughed and unlocked my car door and placed my bag in the driver seat, and grabbed my gun from my glove compartment. I turned and faced him.

"I suggest you and your friends get in your car and get the hell away from me," I said as I flashed my gun.

"Yo, Sefa! The chick is crazy; step away from her," One of his friends said.

Sefa chuckled.

"Nah, it's okay; I'm sorry, Temp; I was just trying to ask you out on a date," Sefa said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Sir, you don't even know me," I said.

"But I would like to get to know you," Sefa said.

"Boy, bye," I said as I got in my car.

Sefa knocked on my window, and I started my car and sped off; hopefully, I ran his feet over because he was too damn close to my car.

"Sefa, you good?" Someone asked him as Sefa had jumped back in shock.

"Yeah, I'm good, but I think I'm in love," Sefa said, smiling.

"Man, you're crazy," Someone else said.

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