Chapter 2

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Hey! Did you like my first chapter? If you didn't, please let me know what you didn't like about it. If you did like it, thank you and enjoy chapter two!


As I walk down the halls of the high school, I hear Steven talking to two people. A boy I've been introduced to a couple times, and Alex. Alex fucking Foster.

"My parents will still be gone this weekend. Party on Saturday," He lightly smacks the back of his friend. "You're going right?" He asks the two guys.

"Sure I'll go," Alex says.

His voice makes my blood boil.

I walk past the crew and I hear Steven again, "Kara!"

I turn around to look at him and he waves me over. I sigh and I put on a smile and I walk over to them. I ask, "Yeah?"

"You're gonna be at my party right?" He asks.

"Isn't she that nerdy girl in our class?" Alex asks.

I look directly at him and I scoff, "Yes I'm smart, but it doesn't mean I can't have fun. Plus, Steven likes it when I go to his parties."

Steven looks me over and his eyes return to my face, "You better head to class Ms. Kara Valent, or you'll be late."

"Says you," I laugh. I look over at Alex, losing my smile. I grip the books in front of my chest harder as I force myself to look at the ground.

Control yourself, Kara.

"Fine, I'll walk you to your class," Steven says squeezing his way through his buddies, then he holds his hand out. "Let me get those for you." I hand my books to him and he holds them close to his side. He turns me around and we begin walking towards my class. "And this too." He grabs my bookbag with his other hand.

"Thanks," I force a smile.

When we're out of earshot from his friends, Steven looks over at me, "What's your problem with Alex?"

I look up at him and I sigh as I stop walking. He stops and turns to face me. "Remember when Hannah and I left the party early?"

He nods. "I was extremely disappointed."

"Clara called me saying he showed up at our apartment, drunk, and beat the hell out of her," I whisper. "So, yeah. I'm pissed."

He looks at the ground. "Now I am too."

I look at him and smile.

He looks at me and sighs as he also smiles. "Shall we get you to class?"

"I'm honestly thinking about skipping class," I sigh.

"Ms. Valent, that is my thing. Not yours. Let's go," He slides the strap of my backpack on his right shoulder and holds my books in his right hand. He puts his arms around my shoulders and leads me to my class as I roll my eyes.


It's Saturday night at 8:45 P.M. I sit on my bed and I sigh. I already have my plan set, and I'm going to Steven's party in a dress I bought on Thursday.

It's a black leather dress with a zipper that goes all the way down the front of it. The dress stops mid-thigh and on the inside it there's a huge pocket on the left breast of the dress. I look at myself in the mirror and I feel my look is missing something. I went light on the makeup, only wearing mascara and lip balm.


I should put my hair up.

Ok, now it looks complete. Now, if you thought I was going to wear black high-heels or stilettos, you're wrong. I'm wearing my black Van's. Because I don't like heels. They're not hard to walk in, they're just uncomfortable.

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