Chapter Twenty Five

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Amara pov

I watched as Stefano's face fell before we all heard the door open. I turned around and saw my parents with Jeong, along with Stefano's parents at the door.

My parents?

They walked in, my dad in front of them. He winked at me before storming up to the judge.

"You don't have the authority to marry nor decide on children's parents!" my dad yelled.

Steve tightened his hold on my waist making me cringe.

"And who are you?" the 'judge' asks.

"one of the best retired judges in America, Jonathan Park" a police officer says. I don't even know when he came in, along with other officers.

"uh-uhm" the judge says, he stands up and tries running but he's quickly caught by my brother.

"Please arrest them officers, they've broken the law and they will be punished greatly for it." My dad says.

My mom comes running to me. She pulls me away from Steve and hugs me tightly.

"Hey! That's my wife!" Steve yells.

"You are not legally married to her you bastard!" my mom yells.

The tears finally escape my eyes as I watch Stefano's parents comfort him and Elaina and Steve get arrested. My dad talking to the officers, my hero. My brother is holding the 'judge'.

I can finally go home. My parents saved the day.

" Oh sweetie, I knew something was wrong. I had a feeling. Why didn't anyone call me and tell us?" My mom asks.

"We couldn't, Steve threatened my family and I'm sure he did the same to Stefano" I say.

My mom takes out a tissue and wipes my tears with it. She kisses my cheek before slightly pushing me towards Stefano and his parents.

Emilia immediately pulled me into a hug. She patted my back but didn't say anything. Salvatore also hugged me and placed a gentle kiss on my head.

"We're glad to have you in our son's life Amara" he says softly.

I hug him back and nod my head. I appreciate these people.

Stefano's eyes meet mine and he hands Marco to his mom before he rushes to pull me into his arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay. You have no idea how worried I was pinkey. I lov-

A loud shot rings in all our ears. We look around to see Steve had managed to get one of the officers guns and he's aiming it at me.

"If I can't have you, no one can" he says with a smirk.

He's quickly pushed down on the ground and see Stefano frozen in my arms.

"Stef?" I say.

He looks at me with pained eyes. I rub his back up and down and feel something wet. I check my hands to see blood.

"Stefano! Call the ambulance, h-he's been s-shot!" I yell with tears blurring my vision.

"It's okay Stefano, you're fine, you're gonna be fine" I repeat.

"Please, look after Marco" he says slowly.

"No! We're raising him together, stay with me. Don't close your eyes!" I say, sobbing.

He falls, taking me down with him. I hold on to him and shake him slightly.

"Stefano please" I say.

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