On The Scene

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From the Adam's house to the current situation near Al and Shelly's barely required going supersonic to arrive there quickly. Now that Heather was decided and committed, she was in a hurry. Her indecision had cost some precious time. She went Mach 2. As usual; she absorbed the energy from the sonic shock wave so that no windows were broken. Her invisible passage overhead would be unnoted. The laws of physics were violated only locally. Not Universally in the correct sense of that word.

Heather's little ranch house and property are not that far away from the city proper when roads don't have to be taken: less than 50 kilometers to the north and east in a direct line. One of Heather's mental disciplines was to always try to think in Metric. Especially when she is dressed up like Jessie. Supposed citizen of the world. Recently she had avoided talking to anyone as Jessie. Her current plan was to have her deeds speak for themselves. That could not be one hundred percent assured. Thus her mental protocol. She spends a great deal of time in the rest of the world these days. If she did have to talk to someone in France or Spain or wherever? Assuming they had English, she hoped that her usage of metric measurements would help confuse anyone trying to trace her. It downright flummoxed some Americans. Many had no idea what a kilometer or a kilogram is, even if at the same time they knew what a two-liter bottle of a soft drink is.

Heather could not hide her being from North America. Her high school French would not pass muster as a decoy language. If Heather could not use language as a part of her disguise, maybe she could use other distractions.

Canada uses the metric system. So does Mexico. If she tossed in one word of her archaic French here and there, it might imply she is from Montreal. Maybe the governmental three-letter agencies would waste time looking for her there. Time wasted elsewhere is money and resources wasted elsewhere. The funding to find Jessie would not be infinite. She hoped. That partially depended on how paranoid her pursuers happened to be.

Heather has done deeds in each country in North America that only she could have. There was a stranded Icebreaker north of Canada she freed by melting the ice around and ahead of the boat. It went from jammed up to motoring freely in moments. Jessie was not seen, but it had to be her that did it.

There had been a massive grass fire in Mexico. It was set on purpose to clear the land. The problem was that it was so dry the fire went out of control. The smoke was causing breathing problems across vast areas.

Easy energy problems to solve. Heat the ice. Cool the fire. Things someone with heat vision and cold breath like a fictional Kryptonian could do. Not exactly how she did it, but perfectly misleading. Signature help only she could have, as Jessie, provided.

Arriving at the right place turned out to be easy. Not only did Heather know where the Smith house is, but there was also a handy 'landmark', courtesy of the Channel 2 news helicopter. Heather changed her directional vector toward the hovering dot in the sky. She rapidly decelerated out of supersonic speed. That quickly resolved the dot into the flying machine.

Heather, thinking about how things look different from the sky, wondered if something hovering in the air can be a 'landmark'? Or is that a 'skymark'? Heather had a real appreciation for how helicopter pilots who fly news and police helicopters know the city from the sky. They probably have guidance systems too.

Heather hovered, invisible, near the news helicopter. She observed the scene below. Heather needed to know is what is happening inside the condo. She was too high up, so she dropped lower. Being invisible, Heather selected a place over the top of the particular building that is the focus of all the attention.

Heather extended her electromagnetic senses. The conversation with Cristine about the way EM works, and the visible light spectrum was paying an unexpected dividend. Being invisible meant Heather was using EM spectrum outside the visible to sense her way through the sky. Now she can 'see' heat. Infrared. IR.

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