Apart of ROM *Chapter 13*

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  • Dedicata a Nick, Bri, and Sammie! I <3 you guys!

Rebel's are People too? Scary People!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 13

Apart of ROM

Jace's POV

I get out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, and put deoderant and cologne on.

I walk out of the bathroom and check on Ever. She's still asleep and I'm glad. She needs the sleep.

I go to the kitchen and look for something to make. I guess I can make my awesome burritos. I smirk and start to pull out everything to make my burritos.

The burritos are done and now they're on the table. I go into my room to wake Ever up.

I sit on the edge of the bed and shake her shoulder. "Come on, Ever. I have food for you on the table" I said quietly.

She opens her eyes a little and smiles. "I can smell it" she said.

I smile and kiss her quickly. "Come eat."

She gets out of bed and follows me to the table. She sits down and starts eating right away.

I laugh at her because she's acting like she's a starving animal.

"What?" she asked after she swallowed her mouthful.

"Hungry much?" I asked and then take a bite of my burrito.

She smiles and then nods.

I shake my head and we keep eating.

Ever's POV

After I'm done with my burrito, which was amazing, I wait for Jace to be finished.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked him.

"Go ahead. You want me to ask Monique if you can borrow some of her clothes?" he asked.

"That would be nice" I admitted.

"Okay. You can get in and I will go get the clothes. Do you want me to get some of her shampoo and stuff too?"


"Kay. I'll be back in a second" he said before leaving the apartment room.

I smile and go to the bathroom. I turn on the water and wait for it to get hot. I close the door and take my clothes off. I step in and let the water soak into my hair and run over my body. It feels so nice.

There's a knock on the door and then Jace asks, "Can I come in?"

"If you keep your eyes closed" I yelled to him.

"How am I suposed to put the clothes on the counter and give you the soap if I can't see?" he asked.

I sigh. "Keep your eyes down then" I ordered him.

I hear him laugh and then the door opens. I watch him keep his eyes down and put the clothes on the counter.

"Now clothes your eyes and feel your way over here" I told him.

"Wow Ever." He closes his eyes and walks to the shower door.

I open the door and grab the soap. He grabs my hand when I try to get the last bottle.

"Can I please open my eyes?" he asked.

"No. I don't want you to see me" I said.

"I promise I will only look at your face" he promised.

Rebels are People too? Scary People!..... ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora