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It was almost noon when Lily decided to go back to the mansion, the garden was huge and it took her some time to figure her way back to the kitchen door where she came out from.

As soon as she walked through the door, she was met by a mad Gisele.

"Where have you been, Lily? You scared me!"

"Didn't Kate tell you?"

"Tell us what? You sneaked out without permission!"

"No, I did not. I promise! Kate told me that-"

"Kate was lying to you! Whatever she told you, she was setting you up!"

"H-how do you know? We can't just blame her."

"Kate's dislike towards you is very clear, Lily, you're just too naive to realise that!"

"But she told me that I can go and that she'll tell you and that she always does this and that it's okay."

"She was lying to you because she didn't tell us anything! Besides, everybody here in the estate knows that you can only go out with the permission of the don so she knew what she was doing."


"The don is very upset with you and wants to see you in his office. Go quick before he gets angrier!"

"Okay!" Said Lily as she quickly made her way to his office.

Her hands were shaking and her breathing was uneven as she tried her best to calm down on her way to his office.

When she finally arrived, she hesitantly knocked on the door and waited for a response.


She slowly opened the door and closed it behind her.

"Sit." He quickly ordered as soon as she stepped in.

She quickly obeyed to not anger him anymore and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

"I would like to know why on Earth did you think it was a good idea to leave the mansion without my permission? What did you think you were doing, huh?!"

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Did I give you permission to speak?"


"Then be quiet! You left my estate without telling anyone and if it weren't for Kate telling me that you were nowhere to be found, no one would've found out about you leaving and coming back, thought you were sneaky huh?"


"Did I ask you to speak?!"

She remained silent as she fought so hard not to cry, she hated when someone yelled at her.

"I knew you would run away, but I also knew that you'd come back to the mansion because you can't even last a day on your own!"

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and continued.

"You are to go to your room, now and stay there until I say otherwise. Understood?"

"Y-yes." She said as she fought so hard for the tears not to fall.

"Good. Now leave."

She scurried out of the room and ran to her room as she finally let the tears fall.

As soon as she got to her room, she quickly closed the door and got in her bed to cry herself to sleep.



That's what Xavier was feeling the moment Lily left his office.

He immediately regretted shouting at her but it was too late, the damage was already done.

He'd gone mad when he'd gotten the news about her disappearance, he was blinded by rage when she was in his office and he regretted it a lot.

He knew she must have an explanation but he didn't even let her have a chance to explain herself, that's why he planned on talking to her the next day to understand her reason and maybe make things better.


Thank you for reading 🤍! Apologies for the late and small chapter, school has been really stressful lately but I'll try being more consistent with my updates :)

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