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Fyodor Dostoevsky, a man who is known for his amorality and cruel intentions,

is sleeping soundly beside you with his arm wrapped around your body.

Don't you find it odd?

That a man who seemed like he was genuinely incapable of sympathy,

a freak of nature,

a deviation from the norm,

Was able to love you?

Well, maybe his love indicates that you, your humanness.. is a deviation from the norm as well?


It's a cold day in Yokohama. You and your lover Fyodor are strolling down an empty, abandoned park wearing face masks to disguise the both of you, which seems to be a norm for him to conceal his identity.

You both have arrived at the secluded spot you stayed at often, which prompted in taking off all masks and coats. You prepare for a small modest picnic near a small, man-made pond that gave a nice view to your spot, while Fyodor searches for his favourite Tchaikovsky musical piece in his phone.

"Are you going to play music now? Can we sit in silence for a bit?" You requested.

"Sure, darling." He responded.

You and your lover then sat on the picnic setup you've prepared, facing the blue skies powdered with fluffy white clouds. He suddenly held your hand, making you blush.

"Honey, may I ask.." You asked, whilst tightening your grip on his hand.

"Yes?" He replied while looking at the sky, still seemingly distracted in his own thoughts.

"Do you think I am... a sinner?"

You had a really interesting inquiry.

He paused, seemingly bothered by your question, and proceeded to let go of your grip.

"Yes you are." He swiftly replied, staring at you with a deadpan expression.

"How come?" You paused for a moment before asking another question,

"And what do you think are my most grevious sins out of all that I've told you back then?"

"You are definitely a sinner." Fyodor insisted, "and your worst sin, is that you've destroyed and betrayed yourself..

for nothing."

"W-wha? W-what do you mean?" Your voice became audibly shaky as you became anxious of his statement.

"I see similarities between you and Judas."

"H-huh? Like Judas.. Iscariot? The man from the Bible who betrayed Jesus?" You quickly retorted these questions, visibly offended.

"Yes, except in your case, Jesus is yourself." Fyodor explained, whilst grabbing something from his pocket, pulling out some of his coins.

"See these silver coins? Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins." He said, as he tossed the coins one by one to the wishing pond at an exact angle and technique to deliberately land every coin on heads, signifying his great intellect.

"In your case, those silver coins are futile gains in the form of fruitless social approval, fueled by superficial, materialistic ideals and consumerist tendencies, ultimately becoming enslaved by everyone.

You became a puppet giving up her strings for everyone to become the puppeteer of her life. You've mutilated your individuality, value and authenticity for something so.. worthless." He expounded on his stance.

"Fyodor.. I.. I didn't expect t-"

"And it always grabs my interest, it floods my mind... how you've been able to manage to live in that filth, within your mutilated sense of self.

You weren't really living, because you let people live through you."

His statements made you tear up due to his blunt choice of words.

"Then.. if you think I'm a sinner.. why haven't you punished me yet? Go on! Isn't that what your main motive is? To eradicate sinners in this world?! Use your ability on me!" You bursted out, tears streaming down your face.

"No.. I am aware that my ability is called the 'Crime and Punishment', but in your case, it shall be the antithesis. Exclusively for you, it should be 'Duty and Mercy'.

I shall give you my mercy,

because it is my duty to love you."

Fyodor leaned and kissed you by surprise.


There concludes the prologue of my fanfic! I guess the future chapters will have less order and structure from now on since this is a one-shot book, but I guess the benefit from that is that I'm open for requests and ideas for scenarios!

I will most likely do several edits on this, possibly giving it better formatting and some nice fonts.

Shoutout to @Royaltylol, someone who is never exhausted in talking about anime/other fandoms (especially about Fyodor Dostoevsky) with me. >W<

I added some references from the book Crime and Punishment as well.

Till next time!~

©Noktaj the Wordsmith

«ONESHOT COMPILATION» 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 [Fyodor x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now