Japanese Kabedon (Jealous!Fyodor)

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You are walking on your way home to your apartment with a lot of groceries in hand.

'Ugh! The weight of these groceries might cripple me.. I hope at least there's not much people on the way home..' You thought.

You look around, still briskly walking and started to gaze around your surroundings. The sunset glow reflected off the building windows around you as you admire the sense of peace. Hummingbirds echoed the semi-busy streets, and as you looked at the skies you've noticed a pink and orange blend of Cumulonimbus clo-


You fell to the ground which made you drop your groceries all at once, feeling severe pain around your head and knees.

"Ouch.." You mumbled, as you rubbed your head.

You looked beside you and notice that there's another man, his choice of clothing is quite familiar to you, but you can't make up a clear image due to the blur of your vision.

'That collision really messed me up', you thought.

"OH I'M SO SORRY SIR I-" You frantically shouted at the man.

"Oh it's you Y/N! Are you okay?" The man cut you off.

"D-dazai?" You recognize that voice.

"Yes.. it's me, Y/N! Oh, is this fate?" Dazai grinned.

"Oh hey! Fancy meeting you! I'm sorry, I wasn't really looking.."

"No worries, beautiful! Maybe you can repay me with a date?" The brunette smirked, confidence oozing out of his body.

"Uh, no." You rolled your eyes.

"Why so? Is it because of your Fyodor-bear? Aww! So sweet! Who knew someone could unlock the door to his heart!" Dazai rambled in an embarrassing manner, as if he was in a soap opera, "Honestly Y/N, I have always remembered your face ever since I saw you in the recent strife between my friends and that ruthless demon. It honestly, HONESTLY, broke my heart when I knew you were his."

"Stop it.. I have to go." You declined to participate in conversing with him regarding that matter.

"Don't you know.. Y/N?" Dazai leaned closer to you with his hand on your cheek, then whispered, "Your life will always be at stake?"


Suddenly, the man in front of you became drowsy and uttered unintelligible slurs. His head fell on your chest which immediately made you throw him aside.

Adjacent to your surroundings is a dark alley. As you try to locate where that click sound came from, you notice a figure walking, which caused you to panic. You tried to stand up in time, but the extreme pain in your knees and head slowed you down. The footsteps of this figure became more audible, as you panicked in fear.

The figure quickly grabs your hand and pulls you into the shadows.

"HEEEELP! HEEEELP ME!" You screamed whilst being pulled, giving all what your vocal chords could give.

The figure then suddenly placed its hand behind your head kissed you, muffing your screams.

You kept your eyes open during the kiss, and due to the faint glow of the streets behind you, you could recognize that the figure is wearing a ushanka hat, and you see a face of porcelain-white skin, violet eyes and pitch-black hair.

"Don't worry, darling." The kiss was broken and a familiar voice echoed the alleyway, which instantly calmed you down, but has still left you severely agitated.

"You SCARED ME!" You cried out, "Why are you even in here?!"

"Well.. I was looking at the window and noticed him walking towards your route home. I calculated the time of your departure from the apartment, the duration of your trip to the grocery store, and since we purchase the same goods on a weekly basis I could create a rough estimate of time duration in the grocery-"

"Okay, so in simple words, you followed Dazai because you think he'll encounter me?" You swiftly cut off his lengthy explanation.

"Yes. Precisely." He replied.

"And.. what's the tranquilizer for?" You asked, pointing to it behind him.

"For... Emergencies." Fyodor grinned.

You rolled your eyes.

"Honey, I understand you want to keep me safe but this isn't part of your plan. Don't be distracted."

"I guess it's just an innate fear that... you might end up liking him as well. To be frank, the probability is quite high. He has several years of practice in picking up women. In fact, he has mastered the art." Fyodor explained, as he glanced at the unconscious man laying on the concrete across both of you.

He knew for a fact that the only game he cannot fully control, is the game of love.

"Awww! My darling? Jealous?" You said in a teasing manner, "Are you serious? Wait.. so this means you think he is attractive.. Attractive enough to pick up girls like me? HAHAHAHA!"

Fyodor's expression changed. He looked pissed. Uh oh.

"Oh no! I'm sorry darling!" You continued to tease him.

Out of the blue, he slowly pushed you against the wall, with his arms surrounding you.

Mmmm. Japanese Kabedon.

He held your wrists, placed your arms above you and kissed you once more, but with added passion and aggression. He then broke the kiss and looked at you directly with his amethyst eyes.

"Cut the tease. Let's get the goods and leave. I've used a special drug on Dazai. He will become conscious again after an hour." Fyodor maintained a deadpan expression, asserting his dominance.

Oh boy, he is handsome as heck when he acts this way.

"Always remember, that you're mine. Only. Mine." He reiterated.

"On it." You replied, still affected by what he just did, squirming internally.


I just wanted to make a chapter today. I felt like it because next week I'll be busy since I have a Math exam. I'll definitely revise this soon since this was super rushed.

Thank you to mitsuchaaa for requesting this scenario! She reached out to me and we had a really passionate fandom talk (and thirsting for seggsi anime bois) (≧▽≦) it's something I've never done in years!

Till next time!~

©Noktaj the Wordsmith

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